FULL! Storytelling in academic writing

THE COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED! Also the waiting list is now closed. 

Learn how your research paper can benefit from a strategic use of storytelling to make it clear, engaging, and readable.

A person holding a large pencil with a lightbulb on the top. The person is writing on a piece of paper. Illustration

Illustration: Colourbox

About the event

This writing workshop will teach you how to tell good stories in your academic writing by creating tension, structuring the text, arguing convincingly and by utilizing versatile writing tools.

After participation, you will be able to use a handful of writing exercises alone and together with colleagues to develop your research and write clear and readable research papers.

The workshop is open for PhD-candidates and postdocs at HF who would like to become better writers. Members of other faculties can register to be put on a waiting list and may be admitted if seats become available. 


?smund H. Eikenes has a PhD from UiO and has published both quantitative and qualitative research. He is the author of six books, including a textbook storytelling in science communication, three popular science books and a novel.

He has been teaching science communication and storytelling for many years, and his workshops are known for enthusiasm, a hands-on-approach and plenty of post-it-notes. He currently works as a content designer at the design and innovation agency Halogen. 


THE COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED. The waiting list is now closed. 

Publisert 20. feb. 2023 11:18 - Sist endret 6. mars 2023 14:47