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Join us for a discussion led by a panel of transactional lawyers, in-house counsel and arbitrators who are involved in drafting, negotiating, and deciding on international commercial contracts. Following the discussion, there will be time for a Q&A session involving the audience.
Join the discussion with Dr. Klaas H. Eller (University of Amsterdam) and Dr. Jaakko Salminen (Lund University) as they present their initial reflections on the EU Omnibus Proposal.
Velkommen til seminar om advokaters erstatningsansvar, med diskusjoner om aktuelle advokat- og erstatningsrettslige problemstillinger.
Flere kommende arrangementer
Sebastian Schwemer pr?veforeleser for f?rsteamanuensisstilling ved Institutt for privatrett.
The seminar is intended to contribute to the work of the International Law Commission (ILC), which is currently addressing the topic “General principles of law”. The second reading of the topic (and thereby its conclusion) is expected to occur in May–August 2025. The ILC’s Special Rapporteur, Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, will participate in the seminar.
Velkommen til seminar om pant i immaterialrettigheter, arrangert i 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med Forskergruppen for marked, innovasjon og konkurranse (MIK).
Hva er den optimale sanksjonen ved kontraktsbrudd – avtalte b?ter eller oppfyllelsesinteressen?
External PhD candidate Carlos Calleja,The Norwegian Police University College, will present his PhD project: "The Legal Framework for Police Crime Prevention on the Internet".