Tidligere arrangementer - Side 34
Master i rettsvitenskap Alexander N?ss Skj?nberg ved Institutt for privatrett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d: Fredsplikt i tarifforhold
Master i rettsvitenskap Alexander N?ss Skj?nberg ved Institutt for privatrett avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Den norske fredsplikten i internasjonal og komparativ belysning.
Velkommen til Forum for konkurranserett.
Innledninger ved Christian Bergqvist, lektor ved K?benhavns Universitet, Henrik Ballebye Okholm, Partner Copenhagen Economics , Torben Thor? Pedersen, Managing economist Copenhagen Economics og f?rsteamanuensis Eirik ?sterud, Universitetet i Oslo.
Presentation by Dr. Rebecca Schmidt, (PhD, European University Institute) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Sutherland School of Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin
Presentation by Professor Gideon Parchomovsky, Penn Law.
Presentation by Siri Granum Carson, Associate Professor at Programme for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NTNU
Saken gjelder sp?rsm?l om arbeidsmilj?lovens regler om virksomhetsoverdragelse kommer til anvendelse der en person med rett til brukerstyrt personlig assistanse bytter leverand?r av tjenesten.
Advokat Kjetil Edvardsen presenterer dommen.
?pent for alle.
Veilederseminar for veiledere og studenter.
Ved forskergruppeleder Beate Sj?fjell.
?pent for alle.
Institutt for privatretts nytt?rssymposium.
Privatrettssymposiet er et ?rlig arrangement i regi av Institutt for privatrett, og avholdes for f?rste gang 2018.
Internt planleggingsm?te for forskergruppen.
Internt planleggingsm?te for forskergruppen.
Ved forskergruppeleder Beate Sj?fjell.
Mark Taylor will be defending the thesis War Economies and International Law: Regulating the Economic Activity of Armed Conflicts for the degree of Dr. Philos.
Saken dreier seg om bruk av ansiennitet som utvelgeseskriterium ved nedbemanning i en bedrift.
Dommen presenteres av advokat Bj?rn Inge Waage, Advokatfirma Endresen Brygfjeld Torall, samt advokat Jan Fougner, Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm og advokat Margrethe Meder, NHO.
Temaet for ?rets konferanse er "Hj?rnestener i morgendagens personvernlovgivning"
Company Law Forum with presentation by Dr. Jay Cullen, Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law and Director, Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law.
Master of Laws Giuseppe Bianco at Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis Restructuring Sovereign Debt: Private Creditors and International Law for the degree of Ph.D.
Giuseppe Bianco ved Institutt for Privatrett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d : Restructuring Sovereign Debt: Private Creditors and International Law
Giuseppe Bianco ved Institutt for Privatrett avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The development and consolidation of state immunity in international law
Presentation by our guest researcher Maria Chiara Marullo, Postdoctor, Jaume University, Spain.
Saken gjelder gyldigheten av arbeidstidsbestemmelsene fastsatt ved Riksl?nnsnemndas kjennelse av 27. februar 2017.
Tron L?kken Sundet, nestleder i Arbeidsretten, presenterer dommen.
We are pleased to welcome to the next Nordic Academic Network in Competition Law conference in Oslo.
The goal of the conference is to examine aspects of European regulatory policy that critically impact upon data sharing and data economy initiatives. In particular, the conference seeks to cast light on the extent to which these initiatives are supported by the European legal framework. This is an essential step along the path to improving, if necessary, the fit between the law on the one hand and the ideals of data sharing and data economy on the other.
PhD candidate Sjur Swensen Ellings?ter at the Department of Private Law will on Friday 10 November present his Doctorate project: "Creditor Priority and Financial Stability".
Company Law Forum with presentation by Maria Chiara Marullo, Postdoctor, Jaume University, Spain and comments by Mark Taylor, Senior Researher, Fafo.
Presentation by Hanna Ahlstr?m, PhD Candidate, SMART Project, Department of Private Law.