Tidligere arrangementer - Side 35
Arrangementet er ?pent for alle, og det er ingen p?melding.
Har EMD tolket retten til privatliv i arbeidsforhold s? utvidende bestemmelsen n? ogs? verner ?konomiske og sosiale rettigheter?
Vitenskapelig assistent Kajsa Tafjord Normannseth presenterer avhandlingen sin.
Arbeidsrettsgruppens h?stseminar 2017.
For inviterte deltakere.
Midtveisevaluering for stipendiat Johannes Hygen Meyer, Institutt for privatrett, der han vil presenterer sitt doktorgradsprosjekt.
Har EMD tolket retten til privatliv i arbeidsforhold s? utvidende bestemmelsen n? ogs? verner ?konomiske og sosiale rettigheter?
Vitenskapelig assistent Kajsa Tafjord Normannseth presenterer avhandlingen sin.
The symposium explores some of the current challenges and developments in cybersecurity from a predominantly legal perspective. Its title, borrowed from Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, encapsulates the fundamental tension that arises from attempts to secure cyberspace.
Tuesday coffee seminar.
The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration.
The topic of this year’s PhD seminar is Nordic market actors and their impact on corporate sustainability. The seminar will provide Insights into topical issues in European and Nordic company and financial market Law.
Vitenskapelig assistent Ingrid Kvernland Mogstad presenterer sitt avhandlingsprosjekt.
Temaet for oppgaven er spenningsforholdet mellom EUs indre marked og fagforeningers ut?velse av arbeidskamp for sine medlemmer med utgangspunkt i norsk rett.
Vitenskapelig assistent Ragnhild Lunner presenterer avhandlingen sin.
Presentation by Beate Sj?fjell.
Ved forskergruppeleder Beate Sj?fjell.
Seminaret er kun for forskergruppens medlemmer.
Yifeng Chen, associate professor, Peking University Law school will present his research on Chinese labour law.
The seminar is free and open to all.
Please register by Monday 4 September
Midtveisevaluering for stipendiat Erlend Eriksen Gjein, Institutt for privatrett, der han vil presenterer sitt doktorgradsprosjekt.
PhD candidate Yuliya Chernykh at the Department of Private Law will on Tuesday 20 June present her doctorate Project: "Contract interpretation in investment treaty arbitration".
Short introduction by Henner G?tt, University of Gottingen.
Daughters of Themis: International Network of Female Business Scholars is pleased to announce the programme for its third annual workshop on the theme of ‘Interdisciplinary work and transdisciplinary outcomes’. The aim of the annual workshop is to provide a forum for open, intimate and inspiring discussions about female business scholars’ common areas of interest and is open to all in the broad field of business including but not limited to disciplines of law, economics, accounting, organizational studies, political science and sociology.
Arrangementet er ?pent for alle, og det er ingen p?melding.
Tuesday coffee seminar.
The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration.
Stein Evju innleder.
Advokat Thomas Talén, som f?rte saken for Posten, innleder om dommen. Kommentarer ved advokat Oddvar Lindbekk, som var arbeidstakerens prosessfullmektig.
This year’s Jon Bing Memorial Seminar will be held on 27th April. The overall theme for the seminar is changes to the financial services market.
Covert Online Surveillance of Child Predators: Exploring the Legal Boundaries
Tuesday coffee seminar.
The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration.