Mandagsnytt 30.september 2019

Internt ukentlig nyhetsbrev med aktuelle nyheter ved Institutt for offentlig rett.

Husk valgm?te med presentasjon av dekanteamene

De to dekanteamene presenterer seg og stiller til debatt 9.oktober. Valgm?tet er ?pent for studenter og ansatte ved fakultetet, og det oppfordres til ? stille sp?rsm?l til kandidatene. Valgm?tet ledes av John Olav Egeland.

Se ogs? tidsplanen for valget p? valgsidene.

Tid og sted: Valgm?te med presentasjon av dekanteamene 9. okt. 2019 14:15–16:00, Auditorium 4, Domus Academica

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Legal Reading Group: Confronting the Pathologies of International Law

Bernard Ntahiraja will introduce Confronting the Pathologies of International Law " (Chapter 2) in John Linarelli, Margot E Salomon, and Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah, The Misery of International Law: Confrontations with Injustice in the Global Economy (OUP, 2018).

The full chapter is available here.

Time and place Oct. 17, 2019 2:00 PM–3:00 PM, Domus Nova, Room 571

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REACH and the Environmental Regulation of Nanotechnology

Nertila Kuraj's monograph, “REACH and the Environmental Regulation of Nanotechnology.
Preventing and Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Nanomaterials” (Routledge 2020), is now available at:

The book is based on Nertila Kurajs  PhD thesis and presents a thorough and comprehensive legal analysis on the status of nanoscale chemicals under the EU’s REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction) regulation, asking whether it effectively safeguards human health and environmental protection.This book examines the European Commission’s claim that REACH offers the best possible framework for
the risk management of nanomaterials. Through a detailed and meticulous analysis of the four phases of REACH, Kuraj assesses the capacity of the Regulation to protect human health and the environment against the potential harms associated with exposure to nanomaterials,and draws attention to the ways in which the specificities of nanoscale chemicals are (not) tackled by the current REACH framework.

Jubileumsbok til SERIs 50-?rs dag 

Den 16. mars 2020 fyller Senter for rettsinformatikk 50 ?r. Da senteret ble etablert var digitaliseringen av Norge i sin spede begynnelse. I anledning jubileet blir det skrevet en bok med fortellingen om sp?rsm?lene i skj?ringspunktet mellom jus og teknologi fra 1960/70-?rene fram til idag. Boken blir gitt ut p? Fagbokforlaget, blir fagfellevurdert og skal med andre ord holde vitenskapelig niv?.

Se informasjon om boken her

Der kan du ogs? lese et utdrag fra boken, tegne deg p? Tabula Gratularoria og dermed bestille boken. Frist for dette er 30. september 2019.

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Publisert 30. sep. 2019 14:00 - Sist endret 7. okt. 2019 10:21