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Published May 23, 2022 11:25 AM

This book focuses on how law and regulation in different legal orders have responded to recent threats and can be reformed to make energy and natural resources systems more resilient in the face of disruptive natural crises and disasters. Edited by C. Banet, H. Mostert, L. Paddock, M. Montoya and I. del Guayo.

Published Nov. 26, 2021 1:26 PM

This volume includes chapters on "Developments in the EU and EU Energy Law", "EU Case Law", "New Developments in Cross-border Energy Governance", "Energy Communities" and "Clean Hydrogen: Regulatory Frameworks".

Published May 10, 2021 12:12 PM

This unique publication provides insightful guidance to key topics within the various phases of petroleum activities.

The editors are experienced oil & gas lawyers, and a short introduction is provided in the book’s presentation of all the authors. In addition to the editors and co-authors Yngve Bustnesli, Hans Petter Nordby, Olav Boye Sivertsen and Tore Ulleberg, a number of other subject matter experts in this field have contributed. Among the contributors are the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Professors Erling Selvig and Ivar Alvik 

Publisert 6. apr. 2021 12:08

Det gir ikke mening ? betrakte E?S-retten som et eget rettsomr?de, den er ogs? en dimensjon ved n?r sagt alle ?vrige rettsomr?der.

Dette er en kronikk. Meninger i teksten st?r for skribentens regning. Den ble f?rste gang publisert i Aftenposten 4. august 2020. 

Publisert 24. mars 2021 15:01

Negativ utslippsteknologi er helt avgj?rende for ? n? m?lene i Parisavtalen. Norsk industri kan lede an, men Norge mangler en tydelig strategi. 

Dette er en kronikk. Den ble f?rste gang publisert i e24 tirsdag 23. mars 2021. Kronikken gir uttrykk for skribentenes holdninger.

Publisert 15. mars 2021 19:16

Under forrige ukes Sikkerhetskonferanse, som hadde over 4500 p?meldte, ga stipendiat Charlotte Hafstad Widerberg en innf?ring i hvordan de nye reglene om eierskapskontroll i sikkerhetsloven f?r betydning ved salg og oppkj?p av private virksomheter i Norge.

Publisert 21. okt. 2020 11:32

Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat, Statnett SF og Statens vegvesen har inng?tt en 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录savtale med Det juridiske fakultet (UiO) om finansiering av forskningsprosjekter.  

Published Aug. 25, 2020 4:17 PM

The book provides a comprehensive description and critique of the key issues that must be addressed by nations, and of the current international, regional, and national law and policy in this field. With thousands of offshore oil and gas platforms in place across the globe, the decommissioning of these ageing installations is becoming of increasing concern to regulators, industry and other stakeholders in the marine environment.