Aktuelle saker - Side 9

Published Jan. 10, 2017 3:45 PM

The initiative of the Arctic Council to address IMO measures suited to protect sensitive areas, such as the Arctic high seas, is a promising step to ensure protection of the marine environment. It remains to be seen whether the Arctic states will take on a leading regulatory role and make a proposal to the IMO on the designation of a PSSA (Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas) on the high seas.

The objective of this article is to assess the legal implications of adopting measures to protect the high seas of the Arctic Ocean from the risks posed by international shipping activities, with a particular focus on the use of PSSA.

Published Sep. 18, 2016 5:58 PM

This thesis is discussing the applicability of internationally-accepted environmental principles to transnational corporations (TNCs), the main questions being 1) what normative guidelines are there for TNCs’ environmental responsibility in a global context, and 2) is there any form of effective accountability for TNCs in this regard?

Published Sep. 5, 2016 10:14 AM

The Arctic presents a number of possibilities and challenges beyond what we encounter further south. These possibilities and challenges call for policies of different kinds.

Publisert 13. mars 2015 11:34

Forskere ved Juridisk fakultet og Norges milj?- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU) mener Regjeringas forslag, som ?pner for mer ?forn?yelseskj?ring?, er i strid med den nye § 112 i Grunnloven og et tilbakeslag for kunnskapsbasert forvaltning.

Published May 12, 2014 2:23 PM

In SIMPLY - the Scandinavian Institute's Maritime and Petroleum law yearbook – the Institute presents some examples of research of its members and friends in English.