Tidligere arrangementer - Side 6

Tid og sted: , St. Olavsgt. 29, seminarrom

Literacy og runekyndighet i vikingtiden er emner som har v?rt mye diskutert i forskningen. Ulike tiln?rminger til tematikken avhenger blant annet av hvilke forst?elser av literacy en legger til grunn. Dette bidraget tar et blikk p? kunnskapsstatusen og reflekterer over mulige veier videre. Velkommen til frokostseminar med professor Kristel Zilmer!

Tid og sted: , Historical museum, 3rd floor, seminar room. And on Zoom.

What does sustainability mean in a museum context, and what can we do to manage collections in a sustainable perspective?

Tid og sted: , ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Maridalsveien 3, Oslo

I dette seminaret utforsker vi de abstrakte kreftene som p?virker en utstilling av kulturhistoriske, religi?se, s? vel som arkitektoniske objekter og kunst.

Tid og sted: , Foredragssalen, Kulturhistorisk museum

Throughout the time that museums have existed, the public has contributed to creating new knowledge. Museum collections and archives have been enriched with the help of many people’s efforts, interests and voluntary work – from submission of finds to preservation and sharing of local knowledge and traditions.

Tid og sted: , foredragssalen, hybrid
Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus – University Library

Archaeology may be in the midst of yet another ‘scientific revolution’. What then, is the use of archaeological theory in an academic world that favours measurable outcomes?

Tid og sted: , Seminarrommet St. Olavsgate 29

The Challenge of Being a World Culture Museum Today.

Tid og sted: , Frokostkjelleren

HMS-dag, kl.12-16 i Domus Juridica

V?rfest fra kl.17 i Frokostkjelleren.

Mer info og p?melding kommer.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room NUMBER? St. Olavs gate 29, Museum of Cultural History

In the 11th and 12th century, a profound change took place in Europe. Christianisation spread to the far corners of the continent, kingdoms emerged and with them came literacy, bureaucracy – and national coinage. Medieval monetization processes have increasingly become the focus of numismatic research over recent years in many places. This workshop aims to bring researchers from different countries together and create an environment of exchange in order to share and create new knowledge, insights, and ideas.

Tid og sted: , Seminarrommet St. Olavsgate 29

Narratives of human sacrifice are fraught with colonial heritage in multiple ways, from the ways in which accusations of human sacrifice and cannibalism was used as a legitimating tool by colonialist powers to the Eurocentric frameworks of knowledge production which upholds traditional assumed meanings of acts interpreted as sacrifice. The workshop seeks to approach this complex topic from varied viewpoints and materials, to create an environment for open discussion about how we can decolonise the study of multifaceted forms of sanctioned violence and expressions thereof. We will discuss the influence of political and strategic desires to Other those to whom such practices were ascribed, and the residual effects of colonialist frameworks on current knowledge, along with other angles and questions.

Tid og sted: , St. Olavsgate 29, and Blinderveien 11
Tid og sted: , Seminarrommet St. Olavsgate 29

Professor of Mesoamerican Archaeology at UCL Elisabeth Graham will give a lecture titled Killing people for gods…… the pastime of the Ancients?

The lecture builds on her extensive expertise in decolonising and problematizing assumptions of human sacrifice. 

Tid og sted: , ZOOM / Seminarrom 1 etg. Vollebekk, ?kern

What can the old monastic remains at Hoved?ya teach us about food culture and medicinal practice? 


Tid og sted: , St. Olavsgt. 29, Seminarrom

Peter Heather: The making of European Christendom.

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes hus
Tid og sted: , Gamle festsal, Urbygningen

Christopher Hansteens bidrag til studiet av jordas magnetisme i skyggen av Alexander von Humboldt og Carl Friedrich Gauss. 

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo
Tid og sted: , Historisk museum

Ulike fagperspektiver p? utstillingsarkitektur – hvordan utstillingsarkitektur kan skape gode m?ter mellom publikum og gjenstander og samtidig hvordan fagpersoner f?r ivaretatt sine oppgaver i et utstillingsprosjekt. Se opptak fra seminaret.

Tid og sted: , Seminarrommet St. Olavsgate 29

Dark Time – Museums in the Time of Decolonisation

Tid og sted: , seminarrommet, St Olavsgate 29

Utstillingsr?det inviterer ansatte ved KHM til ? bidra til et internt seminar om formidlings- og tilgjengelighetsarbeidet ved museet. Seminaret er et lavterskeltilbud til gjensidig inspirasjon, kunnskaps- og erfaringsveksling i kollegiet.

Tid og sted: , St. Olavs gt. 29

Forskergruppen "Archaeology by proxy" inviterer i 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med KHMs forskningsr?d til seminar om ?pen forskning.

Tid og sted: , Seminarrommet St Olavsgate 29

Liisa-Rávná Finbog discusses indigenous heritage objects in museums

Tid og sted: , Virtual Meeting
Tid og sted: , ROM for kunst og arkitektur

Vi stiller sp?rsm?l om hva slags rolle Middelaldersalen har p? Historisk museum? Hvilke hendelser og personer var involvert i arbeidet med utstillingen? Hvilke roller spiller egentlig utstillingsarkitekturen? Og ikke minst: hvordan forst?r vi utstillingsarkitektur? Se opptak fra seminaret.

Tid og sted: , Domus Juridica, auditorium 1

KHMs forskningsr?d ?nsker alle tilsatte velkommen til ?rets Feiring av forskning ved KHM.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Med Almut Schülke (KHM ) og Per Ditlef Fredriksen (IAKH).


Multidimensional Approaches to Cultural Heritage Studies.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

KHMs research council, in collaboration with the Museum of the Viking Age project, would like to welcome you to our interdisciplinary  seminar series. The seminars will address topics of general interest in the humanities and social sciences, also intersecting with content development for the new museum slated to open in Oslo in 2025.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

KHMs research council, in collaboration with the Museum of the Viking Age project, would like to welcome you to our interdisciplinary  seminar series. The seminars will address topics of general interest in the humanities and social sciences, also intersecting with content development for the new museum slated to open in Oslo in 2025.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Med Kristel Zilmer (KHM) og Laima Nomeikaite (NIKU).

Tid og sted: , Zoom

“Exhibitions—successes and muted potentials”

Ways to exhibit research based knowledge

This seminar aims to create an atmosphere for a free exchange of ideas about what makes some exhibitions into successes in terms of their capacity to convey research based knowledge, while some other exhibitions never manage to convey their potentially powerful message about significant research findings. Whether an exhibition is seen as successful depends obviously on the criteria directing the evaluation, and in the context of this seminar, the emphasis is on research findings. However, whether a museum is seen to succeed in its’ effort, also depends on who the respondents / public are, that is, whether it is the museum itself, certain categories among the public or the broader public.  

During the seminar, our invited speaker will share with us experiences from his engagement with collections, research and the potentiality of knowledge dissemination within museum contexts. Some questions to ask are, for instance, why some exhibitions becomes great successes while others, despite all odds, become failures? What happens in situation where the museum and the public disagree on the successfulness and/or failure of an exhibition? 

Tid og sted: , Zoom Meeting https://uio.zoom.us/j/68384456101

Transient E-Waste Spaces: Labour, Kinship and Capital in Electronic Waste Salvaging

Tid og sted: , digitalt arrangement

Kulturhistorisk museum har h?y forskningsaktivitet innenfor ulike disipliner og fagligheter og museets forskningsr?d er opptatt ? fremme potensielle synergier knyttet til dette forskningsmangfoldet. Samtidig ?nsker museet ? utvikle en slagkraftig forskningssatsning i form av et Senter for fremragende forskning med klare tverrfaglige ambisjoner knyttet til etableringen av nytt vikingskipsmuseum p? Bygd?y.  

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Arkeologisk seminar med Marianne Moen (KHM) og Julie Lund (IAKH).

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Arkeologisk seminar med Marianne Moen (KHM) og Julie Lund (IAKH).

Tid og sted: , St. Olavs gate 29

Critical events and public memories: Remembering and forgetting racism in Norway

Tid og sted: , St. Olavs gate 29

Critical events and public memories: Remembering and forgetting racism in Norway   

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Det ? skape gode oppbevaringsforhold for kulturarven er et komplekst tema, og mye skjer rundt dette.

Tid og sted: , Online

Lecture and panel conversation with Franziska Torma

SENKU is co-hosting The 8th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, which is Corona-postponed until 2021. In lieu of the 2020-conference, the organizing committee have organized two webcast panels to adress current issues in the history of science. This is the second. No pre-registration: Join the event here.

Tid og sted: , Online: Link will be published here.

Online lecture and panel conversation with Nathaniel Comfort.

SENKU is co-hosting The 8th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, which is Corona-postponed until 2021. In lieu of the 2020-conference, the organizing committee have organized two webcast panels to adress current issues in the history of science. This is the first.


Dette arrangementet er dessverre avlyst!

– Med eksempler fra steinalderen. Et arkeologisk seminar med Almut Schülke, KHM og Per Ditlef Fredriksen, IAKH.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/62878534972

A Human Rights Based Approach to Sa?mi Statistics in Norway.

NB: Please note, this is a webinar on Zoom: 
