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Tid og sted: , KHM, Historisk museum, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

The Disturbed Sea and the Life of the Land: Culture and Theology in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga

Tid og sted: , Foredragssalen, Historisk museum

This year’s seminar is a one day event and shall take place in the Museum of Cultural History on November 27th 2019. Registration will only be available for the seminar as a whole.

Tid og sted: , KHM, Historisk museum, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

"? g? inn i ei anna verd". Religion, sivilisasjon og kommunikasjon i europeiske reiseskildringar fr? mellomalderen

Tid og sted: , KHM, Historisk museum, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

Vennskapet: Det viktigste sosiale b?ndet i vikingtiden

Tid og sted: , KHM, Historisk museu, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

The Shimmer and Shade of Gold: the project, the book, the collaboration

Tid og sted: , St. Olavs gate 29

Skipsgraver og skipssettinger som uttrykk for bruk av skjoldungemyten i yngre jernalders etablering av konged?mmer omkring Nordsj?en.

Tid og sted: , KHM, Historisk museum, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

I Jórsalaborg ?ar er mi?r heimr: Images of Jerusalem in Medieval Scandinavia

Tid og sted: , KHM, Historisk museum, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

Hindu India against itself? Lessons from a mobile fieldwork 

Tid og sted: , Foredragssalen, Frederiksgate 2

KHMs forskningsr?d tar opp tr?den fra det vellykkede arrangementet i 2018 og ?nsker alle tilsatte velkommen til ?rets Feiring av forskning ved KHM.

Tid og sted: , Historisk museum, Foredragssalen i museets 3. etasje

Velkommen til ?rets ph.d.-dag ved KHM!

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gt. 2, 3. etg.

The beauty of virginity. Aesthetics, adornment and symbols of sanctity in representations of virgins in Late Antiquity

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gt. 2, 3rd floor

The beauty of virginity. Aesthetics, adornment and symbols of sanctity in representations of virgins in Late Antiquity

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen ground floor, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo

The Museum of Cultural History, in collaboration with Goethe-Insitut, is proud to present the international conference at the crossroads of cultural history, contemporary art, museums and poetry. The conference addresses various topics related to migration, displacement, and the continued effects of colonization through talks and discussions that are intended to raise awareness, tolerance, and hope for the future.?

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiksgt. 2, 3. etg.

Re-opening the case for human sacrifice:  distinguishing myths from reality 

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gt. 2, 3rd floor

Re-opening the case for human sacrifice:  distinguishing myths from reality   

Tid og sted: , Institute of Ethnography, Museum of Cultural History

Institute seminar: Department of Ethnography, Numismatics, Classical Archaeology and University History

Dr. Sean O'Neill and professor Svein H Gullbekk, 'Re-opening the case of Human Sacrifice'

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederikgs gt. 2, 3. etg.

Apocatastasis and Preservation

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gt. 2, 3rd floor

Apocatastasis and Preservation

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gt. 2, 3. etg.

The Healer and the Psychiatrist: The Value of Video, the Efficacy of Spirits, and Social Health in Tonga

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gt. 2, 3. etg.

The Healer and the Psychiatrist: The Value of Video, the Efficacy of Spirits, and Social Health in Tonga

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

Politics and Beyond: Placemaking in Northern Ireland (and other post-conflict societies

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gate 2, 3rd floor

Politics and Beyond: Placemaking in Northern Ireland (and other post-conflict societies)