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Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

Pits, Pots, and Pennies: An Archaeology of Coin Hoarding in Medieval England and Wales

Tid og sted: , Moesgaard, auditorium 1, 4206/117, Aarhus

TITLE: Reconstructing diachronic human history from synchronic anthropological data: the theory and practice of phylogenetics and network analysis

Sean O'Neill presents paper at the 'Brown-bag'-seminar, Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederiks gate 2, 3. etg.

Looking Through Portals: An investigation into stave church portals as display object in Norwegian museum settings

Tid og sted: , Frederiks gt. 2, 3rd floor

Ethnographic Film Collections and a Long View of the North

Tid og sted: , Seminarrommet

Velkommen til arkeologisk seminar. Populasjonsst?rrelse og befolkningstetthet er sentrale variabler for ? forst? samfunnsutviklingen. De har sterk innvirkning p? kunnskapsoverf?ring, genetisk utvikling, spredning av sykdommer og utvikling av ?konomi.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

Welcome to The ViS Conference 2018.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups hus

Welcome to Vikings: Beyond Boundaries (The ViS Conference 2015), an open conference on Viking Age studies in Oslo 2nd—4th December 2015.

Tid og sted: , Foredragssalen, Historisk museum

How do objects, places, spaces or practices get a place in ‘the global museum’? This seminar seeks to take advantage of what we as a museum already know and do, as the entire academic staff of the Museum of Cultural History in various ways engages in heritage making; as advisors to the Directorate of Cultural Management, as archaeologists, as keepers of collections, as conservators, as curators, exhibition designers, as magazine administrators, or as anthropologists. To discover our strengths, this seminar represents a first effort to engage in a joint comparative exploration of what such ‘makings’ of cultural heritage, world heritage, museum objects and archaeological objects have in common.

Tid og sted: , KHM, Frederikgs gate 2, 3. etg.

Pits, Pots, and Pennies: An Archaeology of Coin Hoarding in Medieval England and Wales