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Are you a Master's student or PhD student at the University of Oslo with an engagement for solving environmental challenges? Do you want to connect with international fellow students to expand your network? Then you should not miss out on this unique opportunity. Limited number of places. The deadline to apply for a place was 3 June.
Fredag 17. juni presenteres funn og resultater fra ?rets rapport om status for Legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR) i et ?pent m?te p? SERAF.
UiO-ansatte og andre med tilknytning til livsvitenskap inviteres til informasjonsm?te om Livsvitenskapsbygget. M?tet er rettet mot ansatte og studenter p? Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, men ?pent for alle som ?nsker ? holde seg oppdatert om utviklingen i prosjektet.
In the UiODoc afternoon tea series, we invite our next speaker Anna Kolberg Buverud to talk about the international mobility of researchers and the opportunities provided by UiO.
The Centre for Global Health (CGH) is proud to present its Crosscutting Theme on Ethics in Global Health. The launch of this new initiative is celebrated with an online event discussing issues and solutions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals in which capacity development in research integrity and research ethics teaching in global health are especially relevant.
UiO-ansatte og andre med tilknytning til livsvitenskap inviteres til informasjonsm?te om Livsvitenskapsbygget. M?tet er rettet mot ansatte og studenter p? Det medisinske fakultet, men ?pent for alle som ?nsker ? holde seg oppdatert om utviklingen i prosjektet.
This year the half year symposium will take place on 14th June. Guest professor Ivan Dikic from Goethe Institute will hold a keynote lecture, and we will have a social gathering at Ekeberg.
En konferanse om UiOs tjenester levert innenfor TSD, EduCloud, Nettskjema, HPC, FAIR og generelt rundt forskningsdata.
Kurs i etikk for leger i alders- og sykehjemsmedisin
Medical science and society during the covid-19 pandemic. What have we learned?
Welcome to the second Life Science Growth House innovation hangout – a new meeting place for academia and industry. This hangout is a collaboration with the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI). Topic: Tomorrow’s medicine – advanced therapies, cell therapy, precision medicine and nuclear medicine.
Velkommen til v?rt ukentlige lunsjseminar i dScience-loungen! Dette arrangementet er for PhD-kandidater og postdoktorer.
As a member, are you wondering how to get more involved with WGH Norway? Well, here it is!
NORMENT inviterer til et webinar om tidlig oppdagelse av alvorlige psykiske lidelser. Hvorfor er det viktig ? komme raskt til behandling, og hvordan kan forskning bidra til at psykiske lidelser oppdages p? et tidligere tidspunkt?
NCMM Associate Investigator Professor Christine Hanssen Rinaldo, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Troms? and University Hospital North Norway, will present her research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.
The COVID-19 pandemic has infected at least 500 million people and killed more than six million. How can we learn from these events and develop a complete pandemic preparedness and response system? What role can universities and university alliances play?
Women in Global Health (WGH) Norway and the Gender Crosscutting Theme at the Centre for Global Health (CGH) invites you to join a conversation on what role shame and silence might play globally in the context of menstruation health and how these barriers might be tackled in the future.
Velkommen til v?rt ukentlige lunsjseminar i dScience-loungen! Dette arrangementet er for PhD-kandidater og postdoktorer.
A leading scientist or future employer in your field asks you about your project: do you panic and mumble incomprehensibly? Or, do you step up and pitch yourself?
In the May edition of the PhD and Post-doc breakfast club (held in June because of the long -weekend), UiODoc invites Alan Louis Belardinelli to talk about how we can recognize our individual strengths and learn to showcase these when meeting prospective employers.
Kosthold, celleterapi, genetikk og immunterapi. Her er nyeste nytt i moderne kreftforskning.
I anledning CHARMs 10-?rsjubileum inviterer CHARM til seminar om rehabiliteringstjenester etter Covid-pandemien – hvor g?r vi?
In the first 18 months of the pandemic Aotearoa New Zealand, a country of 5 million, registered just 50 deaths from Covid and recorded an improvement in life expectancy.
SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.
NCMM Associate Investigator Ole Andreassen, Professor at the Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital and the Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, will present his research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.