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The Centre for Global Health is proud to invite you to its first Research ExceLlence and Innovation in Global HealTh (RELIGHT) symposium.
Professor Christophe Fraser, University of Oxford.
NCMM Associate Investigator, Professor Simona Chera, Group Leader of the Chera Lab at the University of Bergen will present her research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.
Dr. Bart Deplancke, Professor at the ?cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, will present his lecture "Resolving the molecular mechanisms underlying regulatory variation-mediated phenotypic diversity."
UiO-ansatte og andre med tilknytning til livsvitenskap inviteres til informasjonsm?te for Livsvitenskapsbygget. M?tet er rettet mot ansatte og studenter p? Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, men ?pent for alle som ?nsker ? holde seg oppdatert om utviklingen i prosjektet. Informasjonsm?tet er utsatt, ny dato kommer.
A webinar to evaluate response plans, public health measures and the need for robust policies in support of women’s empowerment during pandemics
Velkommen til v?rt ukentlige lunsjseminar i dScience-loungen! Dette arrangementet er for PhD-kandidater og postdoktorer.
Women in Global Health (WGH) Norway is excited to announce and invite students and young professionals to our new Inspiration Series!
UiO:Life Sciences' first generation of convergence environments started up in 2017. Their research period is about to finish. Welcome to join us celebrating their achievements.
UiO:Livsvitenskaps f?rste generasjons konvergensmilj?er ble etablerte i 2017. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sperioden for de seks konvergensmilj?ene er over og vi inviterer til en avslutning med presentasjoner, panelsamtale og mingling med servering.
Medicine torn apart? Medical practice between EBM, PM, IT companies and consumer agency.
Velkommen til v?rt dScience lunsjseminar i Realfagsbiblioteket! Dette arrangementet er ?pent for alle.
SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.
UiO-ansatte og andre med tilknytning til livsvitenskap inviteres til informasjonsm?te for Livsvitenskapsbygget.
Welcome to a course in the statistical package Stata. The course is aimed at PhD. candidates, Post Doctors and Researchers in Medical Statistics and Epidemiology in general.
Dr Johan Henriksson, Group Leader of HenLab at Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) will give a presentation entitled "Telomere accessibility in cell cycle and aging".
Velkommen til v?rt ukentlige lunsjseminar i dScience-loungen! Dette arrangementet er for PhD-kandidater og postdoktorer.
Velkommen til v?rt ukentlige lunsjseminar i dScience-loungen! Dette arrangementet er for PhD-kandidater og postdoktorer.
Women in Global Health Norway, the Centre for Global Health and Equality Check invites you to an in-person networking event in celebration of International Women's Day.
NCMM Associate Investigator, Professor Karl Johan Malmberg, Group Leader of the Malmberg Lab at Oslo University Hospital will present his research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.
The Life Science Growth House innovation director Hilde Nebb will give a pitch about the Growth House and the team will be present. Come by and meet us!
3. mars 2022.
Prof. Terje L?mo, seksjon for Fysiologi, IMB, Universitetet i Oslo.
"Long term potentiation (LTP):
Essential in forming interconnected assemblies of engram cells for learning and memory"
Velkommen til v?rt dScience lunsjseminar i Realfagsbiblioteket! Dette arrangementet er ?pent for alle.