Leadership changes at Helsam

As of August 5 Maria Olofsson has started a new position as Section Manager for the Research Administration, replacing Kaja Kvaale. We welcome Maria to the institute.

Profil picture of Maria, standing outside, smiling, green leafy background

Maria Olofsson, Section Manager for the Research Administration at Helsam.

Foto: UiO

Maria Olofsson comes from a position as Grant Manager at Lund University Diabetes Centre, Sweden. Strategic national funding and funding from the EU was the primary focus, involving both pre-award and post-award tasks. She holds a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University where she focused on early inflammatory processes. Postdoctoral studies and research coordinating positions, including research school and postdoc mentoring, followed her thesis defence in year 2000. Maria has international experience from the UK as well as from the US and she has previously worked in Oslo.

Kaja is moving on to a Ph.D. position at the Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. We wish her the best of luck taking on new challenges!

New head of departments

Also at the Department of Health Management and Health Economics (HELED) and the Department of Nursing Science (SYKVIT) there are changes in leadership.

Eli Feiring has taken over as head of department from Oddvar Kaarb?e at HELED. Oddvar will continue as project leader for NORCHER – Norwegian Centre for Health Service Research.

Ragnhild Helles? has taken over as head of department from Marit Kirkevold at SYKVIT. Marit has started a new job as Head of Institute at OsloMet. Kirkevold will however continue some of her research at Helsam.


Av Thea Cecilie Engelsen
Publisert 12. aug. 2019 13:59 - Sist endret 12. aug. 2019 14:09