Helsam Summer Congress 2016

The first and the last session of the congress will be in English (marked in grey). All other presentations are in Norwegian. There will be a Summer party for all employees after the congress. Please register before June 13. 


09.00 Welcome Jan Frich
09.15 How to evaluate costs and benefits of personalized medicine? Hans Olav Melberg
09.30 Unmet needs for health services in individuals with Huntington's disease Marleen van Walsem
09.45 Evaluation of the Cooperation reform Terje P. Hagen
10.00 The NordICC-study Michael Bretthauer
10.15 Break: Coffee and fruit  
10.30 Effekt av pusteveiledning p? tung pust og pustm?nster hos personer med KOLS. En dobbelblindet randomisert kontrollstudie Christine R. Borge
10.45 Is vitamin D deficinency in pregnancy associated with birth weight and other anthropometric measures? ?se R. Eggemoen et al
11.00 AktivA – et implementeringsprosjekt i prim?rhelsetjenesten Inger Holm
11.15 New steps in the municipal health and care staircase: Educating for new roles and innovative models for treatment and care of frail elders Silje Havrevold Henni & Konstantinos Antypas
11.30 Utvikle, implementere og evaluere felles planlegging av framtidig helsehjelp, - forberedende samtaler p? sykehjem Trygve Johannes Lereim S?vareid
11.45 Potensialer for tjenesteinnovasjon – appen APPETITT, eldre og ern?ring Anne Moen og Caroline Farsj?
12.00 Lunch  
13.00 On technology and superstition in medicine Bj?rn Hofmann
13.15 Re-Inventing infectious Disease: Antibiotic Resistance, Hospital Infections and Drug Development 1950 – 1980 Christoph Gradmann
13.30 Incidence and antibiotic treatment of erythema migrans in Norway 2005-2009 Knut Eirik Eliassen et al
13.45 Gynecological cancer survivors’ views on follow-up after cancer treatment

Heidi Lidal Fidjeland et al.


Barriers to family involvement in psychiatry. What is morally at stake?

Elleke Landeweer
14.15 Break: Coffee  
14.30 Global health interventions and local medical practice: critical perspectives from a Kenyan hospital Ruth J. Prince
14.45 Medication related problems and health related quality of life among children with chronic disease in a tertiary care hospital in Ethiopia: a protocol for an observational study Tesfahun Chanie Eshetie
15.00 Risk factors for life-style related disease in Somali immigrants in Norway Ahmed Madar
15.15 Closing remarks Nina K. V?llestad
15.30 Summer party  
Join us for the informal Summer Party in the Backyard at Frederik Holsts hus!

Register before June 20


Jan Frich, Jan Helge Solbakk & J?rund Straand


Institutt for helse og samfunn
Publisert 23. mai 2016 14:17 - Sist endret 15. juni 2016 14:07