Doctoral candidate Nastaran Moussavi at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "From Ethnopharmacology to Therapeutic Potentials: Investigating Bioactive Compounds in the Traditional Medicinal Plants Securidaca longepedunculata and Sideritis scardica" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.
Welcome to this meeting place where we want to inspire researchers and students, give them self-confidence and knowledge about the innovation process, help them build networks, and facilitate collaboration between academia and industry. This hangout is a collaboration with The Life Science Cluster.
The forum will unite leaders, management and decision makers from universities, public sector and industry to benchmark and share policies and best practices for impactful research and development collaborations.
Doctoral candidate Eirin Guldsten Robinson at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Suboptimal medication use and medication optimization in older adults - Healthcare costs and outcomes" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.
Fredag 25. oktober inviteres alle ansatte ved MN-fakultetet, Naturhistorisk museum og Bibliotek for medisin og realfag til REAL moro 2024. Velkommen til spennende underholdning, deilig mat og fantastisk samv?r med gode kollegaer.
Join us for an evening of innovation and creativity as five summer intern projects are showcased. Engage with the teams, explore their interactive prototypes, and enjoy casual mingling with refreshments.
Doctoral candidate Athar Mahdieh at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocarriers for Drug and Gene Delivery to Cancer Cells" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.
Welcome to this meeting place where we want to inspire researchers and students, give them self-confidence and knowledge about the innovation process, help them build networks, and facilitate collaboration between academia and industry. This hangout is a collaboration with Health2B and The Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital.
Spend a day with great science, innovation and networking opportunities at this meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.? Topic: Artificial intelligence in life sciences and energy. The conference was a part of Oslo Innovation Week 2024.
M?t hjerneforskere, se inn i kroppen med VR-briller, l?r om hjerteforskning, kosthold, organdonasjon og forskning som gir helt ny behandling for kreft. Velkommen til forskningstorg for hele familien!
Vi inviterer alle nyansatte som har startet i 2024 ved Det matematiske-naturvitenskapelige fakultet til en velkomstdag. Dette vil v?re en flott mulighet til ? m?te andre kolleger, f? innsikt i fakultetets organisering og arbeid, samt stille eventuelle sp?rsm?l du m?tte ha.
Velkommen til programseminar for alle studenter som starter ved det fem?rige studieprogrammet i farmasi.
Bli kjent med studentbyen Oslo og alt den har ? by p?!
Studielivet er s? mye mer enn lesesal og pensum – finn din greie hos en av Oslos 450 studentforeninger!
Fiks favorittbuksa, kj?p en ny stol eller l?r mer om hvordan du kan dyrke gr?nnsaker i vinduskarmen.
Kanskje er det akkurat din faddergruppe som er den smarteste p? hele Universitetet i Oslo?
M?t studenter fra hele fakultetet p? en hyggelig kveld i informatikkstudentenes storstue!
Ta imot studietips for en enklere studiehverdag fra de beste
Tekstbehandlingsprogrammet er Radio Novas litteraturmagasin som behandler all slags tekst, spr?k og b?ker.
Vi har laget et felles arrangement for alle p? MN denne dagen. Velkommen til en ettermiddag med inspirasjonsforedrag og nyttige tips til studietiden med de beste formidlerne v?re.
Kjenn p? atmosf?ren i Frederikketeltet n?r vi f?r bes?k av DJ!
Radio Novas egen podkast for skeive tar turen til Frederikketeltet midt i studiestartsuka!