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Master i molekyl?r biovitenskap Anne Marte Sjursen Kvello ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Mechanisms underpinning differential drug effects with similar receptor binding: case opioids.
Cand. Pharm Marianne Lea ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Towards safer drug therapy and improved clinical outcomes in elderly and multimorbid patients.
Cand. Pharm Marianne Lea ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Frailty, disability and polypharmacy in elderly. The risk of death.
Master i farmasi Kristine Hole ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: 4?-Hydroxycholesterol as biomarker for variation in CYP3A activity.
Master i farmasi Kristine Hole ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The effect of inflammation on expression and activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes in humans - Concerns for drug treatment?.
Tema for forelesningen er "Renhetsbestemmelse av farmas?ytiske r?varer med vannfri titrering".
Master i farmasi Maren Chrisin Stillesby Levern?s ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Affinity-based sample preparation in targeted protein analysis by bottom-up liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.
Master i farmasi Maren Christin Stillesby Levern?s ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Perspectives on antibody binding and characterization by mass spectrometry techniques.
Tema for forelesningen er "Renhetsbestemmelse av farmas?ytiske r?varer med vannfri titrering".
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Nordic POP consortium will be held in Oslo in January 2019.
Tema for forelesningen er "Renhetsbestemmelse av farmas?ytiske r?varer med vannfri titrering".
Tema for forelesningen er "Renhetsbestemmelse av farmas?ytiske r?varer med vannfri titrering".
Master i teknologi Renate Kristianslund ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Organocatalyzed Halocyclizations: New Methods and Application in Total Synthesis.
Master i teknologi Renate Kristianslund ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Recent Advances in Stereoselective Alkene Halogenation Reactions: Application to Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Product Synthesis.
I tradisjonens tro arrangeres det julelunsj for alle ansatte p? Matematisk institutt fredag 14. desember. Vel m?tt!
Do you want help with your UiO webpage? Bring your laptop and join our non-formal workshop to discover new ways to use your homepage, and how to make it look more professional. Wondering what your homepage looks like right now? Find your own homepage here.
Do you want help with your UiO webpage? Bring your laptop and join our non-formal workshop to discover new ways to use your homepage, and how to make it look more professional. Wondering what your homepage looks like right now? Find your own homepage here.
Master i farmasi Veronica Krogstad ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Studies of hepatic, intestinal and renal pharmacokinetic processes contributing to variability in drug disposition and response.
Master i farmasi Veronica Krogstad ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Translation of in vitro metabolism/transport data to in vivo using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling.
From the Womb to the Grave - Life-course Pharmacoepidemiology
Massimiliano Pio di Cagno holder sin pr?veforelesning for stillingen som f?rsteamanuensis i galenisk farmasi.
Nicky Thomas holder sin pr?veforelesning for stillingen som f?rsteamanuensis i galenisk farmasi.
Korbinian L?bmann holder sin pr?veforelesning for stillingen som f?rsteamanuensis i galenisk farmasi.
Master i farmasi Lars Peter Engeset Austdal ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: New models for nonclinical safety assessment: targeting hallmark neurodevelopmental processes to examine if pharmaceuticals affect the immature brain.
Master i farmasi Lars Peter Engeset Austdal ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Pax6 in development and evolution.