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cand.pharm. Ellen Hages?ther ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Therapeutic opportunities and clinical applications of mucoadhesive formulations
cand.scient. Gro Haarklou Mathisen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden dr.scient. (doctor scientiarum): Neuronal death and survival - targeting glutamate-induced cell death mechanisms
cand.scient. Gro Haarklou Mathisen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Excitotoxic injury in the CNS - molecular mechanisms and therapeutical targets
pharm.dr. Adiaratou Togola ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Ethnopharmacology phytochemistry and biological activities of Malian medicinal plants
pharm.dr. Adiaratou Togola ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Medicinal plants used in the treatment of parasitic diseases
Leif Are Klevan ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Evolutionary aspects of the DNA repeat bcrl from the B. cereus group and plasmids related to the pX01 plasmid from B. anthracis
Leif Are Klevan ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The role of conjugation in bacterial adaptation and evolution
Bj?rge Westereng ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The cell wall polysaccharides significance for plant defence against microbial attack
Eili Tranheim Kase ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): The role of LXR on lipid and glucose metabolism in human skeletal muscle
Eili Tranheim Kase ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Farmakologisk p?virkning av insulinsekresjonen som behandlingsmulighet ved diabetes.
Bj?rge Westereng ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden dr.scient. (doctor scientiarum): Stucture function studios of pectin in cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
cand. scient. Ellen Johanne Kleveland ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Gene expression studies in Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar L.) – Effects of 3-thia fatty acids and characterization of scavenger receptor class B, type I
cand. scient. Ellen Johanne Kleveland ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Nuclear hormone receptor superfamily – Comparative aspects with special emphasis on structure and biological function in salmonids
Kari Tvete Inngjerdingen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Bioactive Pectic Polymers from Malian Medicinal Plants
Kari Tvete Inngjerdingen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The physiological and pathophysiological role of proteoglycans/glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and GAG-based drugs
Helle Wangensteen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Biological and chemical studies of spices and mangrove plants: A. Chemistry and biological activity of medicinal plants from the mangrove forest in Bangladesh, B. Antioxidant activity in coriander
Helle Wangensteen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Harpagophytum procumbens, an African medicinal plant with therapeutic potential
Sekou Bah ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Ethnopharmacological and phytochemical investigations of medicinal plants used against schistosomiasis in Mali
Sekou Bah ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: New antivirals and antibacterials from African medicinal plants
Sven Martin J?rgensen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor): Functional characterisation of Atlantic salmon MHC class I pathway genes during ISAV infections
Sven Martin J?rgensen ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Influenza vaccine research: evolution, challenges and difficulties
Stefania Gu?laug Baldursdóttir ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden dr.scient. (doctor scientiarum): Characterization of riboflavin-photosensitized changes in alginate polymer matrices for pharmaceutical applications
Stefania Gu?laug Baldursdóttir ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Rheological methods in the characterization of polymer formulations for pharmaceutical applications
?yvind Holte ved Farmas?ytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden dr.scient. (doctor scientiarum): Calcium alginate gels in controlled drug delivery formulations
?yvind Holte ved Farmas?ytisk institutt avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Alginate formulations as matrixes for mammalian cells