Election of Department Management at PSI for the period 2024 -2027

In the autumn of 2023, a new Head of Department and Deputy Head of the department will be elected at the institute.

Propose candidates

You can propose candidates until midnight on 23rd August, 2023. Proposals should be sent to valgkomite-psi@psykologi.uio.no



Who can become Head of Department and Deputy Head?

The formal qualification requirements for head of department at PSI 2024-2027 are the following:

? Primarily professorial competence, but other competencies may be considered

? Doctorate/PhD in psychology or equivalent

? Master Norwegian/Scandinavian language at equivalent C1 level, and English as a working language

Additional qualification requirements for head of department

? Relevant management experience

? Good knowledge of psychology as a field of practice, teaching and research in Norway

? Understanding of the activities of knowledge/research organizations

? Personal suitability


Who can propose candidates?

? Proposals for candidates must be signed by at least 5 people with voting rights.

? Candidates who are proposed should already have been approached and expressed their willingness to take up the position if she/he is elected.

? Everyone who has the right to vote has the right to propose candidates.

? You can only sign one proposal for either of the positions.


Open meeting

A General Meeting will be held for staff and students where the candidates will present their election platform on 5 September in the assembly hall. 


Election committee and election board

The election committee for the selection of a new head of department for the period 2024 to 2027 consists of:

? Professor Henning Bang

? Professor Helene Amundsen Nissen-Lie

? Senior consultant Simen Sveen Gudbrandson

? Student Hedvig Sudland R?nning


The election committee shall carry out its task as described in UiO's election regulations.



The electoral board consists of:

? Professor Rolf Reber

? Postdoctoral fellow Ragnhild B?

? Senior consultant Ingalill Herstad

? Student Alexandra Victoria Veum S?hoel


Office manager Gunnar Andre Malmin is the electoral board's secretary.

The election board ensures that the election is carried out in accordance with UiO's election regulations, monitors the vote count and makes all decisions not assigned to another body in connection with the election

The election committee's proposal:

There is already one alternative , in that the current department management,  Head of Department Bj?rn Lau and Deputy Head of Department Vibeke Moe stand for reelection as  candidates for heads of department for the 2024-2027 period.


Right to vote

Students and permanent employees in at least half a position at the faculty, as well as staff in Professor II positions, have the right to vote. In addition, temporary employees have the right to vote if, on election days, they are in a continuous employment relationship of at least 50% with a duration of at least one year.

Election period

The election will take place in the period between 18 - 27 September 2023.

The votes are counted separately for the following three groups, and weighted as follows:

? Permanent and temporary employees in teaching and research positions: 53%

? Technical and administrative employees: 22%

? Students: 25%