Anne Hege Grung: Rapport fra forsknings- og utdanningstermin h?sten 2021 og v?ren 2022

Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, h?r, hode, smil.

"During her two research terms she completed the work with her edited volume Complexities of Spiritual Care in Plural Societies: Education, Praxis and Concepts, published open access in De Gruyters series Studies in Spiritual Care November 2022.

Being the principal researcher in the Norwegian team of the Norwegian-Baltic research project ReliGen, (2021-2023), she participated in a RelGen workshop in Riga and conducted planned research on the Gender Regime in Norwegian Politics of Religion.

Grung spent three months as a guest researcher at the Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo fall 2021, where she also presented her research from the ReliGen project. She gave a paper based on the ReliGen project at the NORA conference at the University of Oslo June 2022, in the panel “Religion, Gender and Citizenship” with the title “Are Women Negotiated Away? Religious Gender Politics in Norway”.

In March 2022 she organized and gave the opening lecture at the bi-annual conference by European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies (ESITIS) at the University of Bonn with the title “Sacred Protest”.

Two research trips to Beirut, Lebanon was conducted: One in April 2022 and one in June 2022 which included participation and a lecture at the conference “Women, Religion and Human Rights” organized by the Adyan foundation in cooperation with Danmission and the Lebanese American University. The title of her contribution was “Negotiating Gender Justice in the Lebanese Context Between Feminisms, Religious Practices, and the State.” "

Publisert 20. des. 2022 14:03 - Sist endret 20. des. 2022 14:04