Werner Jeanrond: Rapport fra forsknings- og utdanningstermin

Werner Jeanrond hadde forsknings- og utdanningstermin h?sten 2021. 

During his research term in the Autumn of 2021 at the University of Gothenburg he worked mainly on his new book project on FAITH. He presented his ideas and some results at various faculty seminars in Gothenburg.

On four occasions, he took part in the broader dissemination of his research:

  • In August 2021, he delivered one of the TEO-Talks in Ume?
  • In September 2021, he participated in a public conversation med Per Starke on theology and history at the Swedish Book Fair at Gothenburg
  • In November 2021, he participated in a public conversation with G?ran Rosenberg on the theological legacy of Stockholm Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis and on the development of Judaism in 20th century Sweden.
  • In early Advent 2021, he delivered three morning talks on Swedish Radio P1 on faith.
Publisert 7. apr. 2022 09:16 - Sist endret 7. apr. 2022 09:16