Dear Colleagues,

With the release of new directives (Mon 26 Oct) aimed at curbing the increase of COVID-19, our government and Oslo City Council remind us that the pandemic is far from over and that we need to continue to be conscious and act responsibly in our everyday interactions. Our core activities here at the Faculty of Theology, research and education, will continue to be informed and, to a certain extent, be contingent on the development and "movement" of the global pandemic.

Nina Hoel. Foto

In many ways, we are privileged to inhabit such a small corner of the globe where the density of people is relatively small - at least seen from a comparative perspective. We are privileged to be located at the University of Oslo, an institution that continues to show solid leadership in the handling of the current situation. We are privileged to be at the Faculty of Theology, where we are, because of our size, able to continue to facilitate most of our educational activities on campus. We value our students and work hard to give them the best possible educational experience during these challenging times. We are also privileged to have the tech know-how folks when it comes to the digital solutions that we employ in our educational activities so as to facilitate inclusive arenas where teaching and learning is possible. A humble thanks to all of you who continue to contribute to making these challenging times a little less challenging.

Our ways of teaching and engaging with students and each other have been put to the test

As a Faculty we now share a fairly new institutional memory. Our ways of teaching and engaging with students and each other have been put to the test. We have gained, and continue to gain, new and invaluable experiences. The need to share some of these experiences, and also thinking together about the way forward, was the reason for organizing the TFF on "Teaching in the time of corona". At this important gathering we learned about our students’ experiences with the digitalization of teaching and their study practices through the presentation of two surveys (one initiated by the University of Oslo, the other by our Faculty). All in all, our students were satisfied with TF's maneuvering of the situation at large, but there is also room for improvement, particularly in relation to acquiring useful pedagogical competence and apply this digitally. At the TFF some of our faculty members presented notable insights pertaining to experiences with digital teaching, digital support and the organization of practice. Thank you all so much for sharing and let’s continue the conversation! Note that the TFF organized on the 4th November engages the topic of hybrid teaching in relation to the first year course “Lived Religion” (Levd religion). Don’t miss out!

A time of transition

During this month of October, our Faculty have also launched into what might be called a time of transition. Many of our colleagues, whom have contributed in invaluable and deeply meaningful ways to the flourishing of the Faculty of Theology, have reached seniority. Earlier this month (7 Oct) Prof. Tarald Rasmussen gave his "farewell lecture" entitled: "Nasjon og Religion: noen norske s?regenheter" (Nation and Religion: a few Norwegian particularities). Just over a week later (16 Oct), Prof. Trygve Wyller gave his "farewell lecture" entitled: "Utfordrende m?ter, praksiser og teologi" (Challenging meetings, praxis and theology). The celebratory pulse of these gatherings is a clear testimony to their important scholarly contributions, not only to the academic community, but also to society.

On 16th October it became official that Kaia D. Schultz R?nsdal is appointed Assoc. Prof. in the position Leadership, Dialogue and Care in Plural Contexts. She will start at TF 1. Dec. A much warm welcome to you, Kaia.

Stay healthy and stay safe!

Av Nina Hoel
Publisert 30. okt. 2020 10:34 - Sist endret 30. okt. 2020 10:34