What we talk about when we talk about research: Some updates from the Dean of Research

Research has different phases, from the first idea to the dissemination of its results. It involves reading, thinking, writing and discussing, alone and with colleagues. When the list of research publications done by our TF staff each year is ready, it gives the reader a glimpse of hours, months and sometimes years of work reflecting all these phases.

Anne Hege Grung, Foto

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Are you curious about what our colleagues published in 2023? Take a look here: cristin-publikasjoner-2023.pdf (uio.no).

Research at our Faculty has structural support. While ph.d – fellows and post. doc fellows have most of their working hours allocated to research, associate professors and professors have near half of their working hours singled out as time for research. For faculty connected to our ERC-project, research is their main occupation. In the following, I will mention the specific structural support we have organized for research and work on research applications at TF:

Research groups

Our research groups reflect the research interests and involvement of our faculty, and are the place to discuss ideas for research projects, to get feedback on research in the making, and making international and national connections to other researchers. The research groups will also be pivotal in establishing our new ph.d-program.

Support in research application processes

We have established a group where you can bring your ideas and projects in the making to get a first response and ideas about how to develop it. This is the S?KUT-group, meeting regularly. The group is meant for research applications heading for NFR or ERC, but you may also engage it if you plan to apply for funding elsewhere. When the research application is more developed, you can communicate with the research advisor and ask for establishing a panel for evaluation of the application, “s?knadspanel”. Sometimes one research application can have more than one of these.

New internal deadlines for NFR-application support.

NFR has no longer fixed deadlines for research applications related to their various programs. At TF we have now established internal deadlines for getting support for applications to NFR, in order to put ourselves into a state of mild pressure, and to be able to organize the required evaluation panels. These internal deadlines are 1 April and 1 October. This doesn’t mean you need to have a finished application at this point, but that you need to contact Ingunn Gj?rva in order for us to plan the process of internal evaluation.

Av Anne Hege Grung
Publisert 23. feb. 2024 12:15 - Sist endret 23. feb. 2024 12:15