– For ? utvikle arbeidsmilj?et p? fakultetet trenger vi inng?ende kunnskap om hvordan det oppleves, noe en omfattende anonym unders?kelse som ARK kan gi oss. Derfor vil jeg oppfordre flest mulig til ? svare p? unders?kelsen, sier dekan Rita Hvistendahl.
?– Erfaringen fra sist runde var at ARK viste seg ? faktisk v?re en ganske morsom og kreativ prosess, som f?rte til b?de positive endringer i sosialt milj?, men ikke minst ogs? konkrete forbedringer av arbeidsprosesser, sier verneombudene Trine Smestad og Kristin Flood Str?m.
Hvert tredje ?r p? hele UiO
I ?r skal arbeidsmilj?unders?kelsen gjennomf?res p? hele UiO. Prosessen vil gjentas hvert tredje ?r.
Dermed kj?rer Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet (UV) en ny runde av arbeidsmilj?unders?kelsen ARK tett p? den forrige prosessen som ble avsluttet s? sent som i fjor.
Unders?kelsen ligger ?pen i perioden 12. februar til 3. mars, men hvorfor ikke sette av tid til ? svare s? snart som mulig og f? det gjort?
– Arbeidsmilj?et skal styrke den enkeltes faglige og personlige utvikling og innflytelse p? eget arbeid, skape engasjement og gi motivasjon, sier dekan Rita Hvistendahl.
Etter ? ha analysert og diskutert resultatene, skal vi som sist jobbe sammen for ? utvikle og iverksette tiltak for arbeidsmilj?et.
– Alle er en brikke i arbeidsmilj?puslespillet
– Godt arbeidsmilj? er essensielt for trivsel, arbeidsglede, motivasjon og det vi faktisk presterer p? jobb hver dag. Med ARK har vi et veldig godt verkt?y for ? ikke bare unders?ke status, men ogs? utvikle og vedlikeholde arbeidsmilj?et v?rt, sier verneombudene.
– Som verneombud er vi veldig glad for at UiO og UV setter dette s? h?yt p? agendaen. Vi er alle en brikke i arbeidsmilj?puslespillet, s? vi h?per alle bruker denne muligheten og deltar i ARK hele veien!

Contribute to improving our work environment!
– A good work environment promotes good health and is simultaneously crucial for achieving good results, says Rita Hvistendahl.
“To develop the work environment at the faculty, we need thorough knowledge about how it is perceived, which a comprehensive anonymous survey like ARK can provide us with. Therefore, I encourage as many as possible to respond to the survey”, says Rita Hvistendahl, Dean at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.
“Our experience from the last round, is that ARK proved to be quite an enjoyable and creative process, which not only led to positive changes in the social environment, but most importantly, to tangible improvements in work processes”, say Trine Smestad and Kristin Flood Str?m, the faculty’s safety representatives.
Every three years
For the first time, UiO will conduct a joint work environment survey, a process to be carried out every three years from this year.
You will soon receive an invitation to respond to the survey from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The link in the e-mail from NTNU will take you to a questionnaire that takes about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous.
“The work environment should enhance each individual's professional and personal development and influence over their own work, create engagement, and provide motivation”, says Hvistendahl.
The survey will be available and open from the 12th of February until the 3rd of Mars, but why not take the time to answer as soon as possible?
We are all pieces in the work environment puzzle
Having analyzed and discussed the results, we will then work together to develop and implement workplace environment measures through 2024.
“A good work environment is essential for contentment, job satisfaction, motivation, and indeed what we accomplish at work every day. With ARK, we have an extremely useful tool not only for gauging the current status but also for developing and maintaining our work environment”, say our safety representatives.
“As safety representatives, we are very pleased that the University of Oslo and UV place such high emphasis on this. We are all pieces in the work environment puzzle, so we hope everyone seizes this opportunity and participates in ARK throughout the process!”