Introduction to Stata

Introduction to data management and statistics with the software Stata.


Slides for the course are available from here.


The datasets that we will use are here. You should download and unpack them before the course.

Who is it for?

Reseachers and students who want to get started with Stata. Basic knowledge of statistics and research methodology is advantageous, but not required.

How do I sign up?

Sign up here. You need a valid user account at UiO or at OsloMet (i.e. your regular user name and password).

Important: Participants must bring their own portable PC or Mac (laptop) with Stata already installed. The course is held in a seminar room, with no PCs for students. Bringing your computer's power chord is recommended. For UiO, the latest version of Stata may be downloaded from or Stata is also available remotely on UiO Programkiosk. If you need help with the installation, contact local IT in your department


The main goals are to

  1. Get started with Stata
  2. Learn data management
  3. Get an overview of how to use Stata for analysis

Topics include: The different Stata windows, the data set, categorical variables, selecting observations, importing data, documentation with syntax files, storing and presenting output, treating missing data, descriptive statistics and graphics, example commands for estimation and hypothesis testing, getting help/further studies.


Knut Waagan, PhD, Data Capture and Collections Management Group, USIT.

Maximum participants



The course will be held in English this time.

Contact information

It's best to send questions about the course to


Tags: Stata
Published Aug. 27, 2018 12:42 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2019 3:04 PM