Introduction to Stata

Introduction to data management and statistics with Stata.


Time and place:

The course consists of two sessions:

Tuesday October 12th, 10:15-12:00

Wednesday October 13th, 10:15-12:00

The course will be held as a Zoom meeting. Zoom links will be sent over email (Hence you need to provide us an active email address when signing up).

Who is it for?

UiO reseachers and students who want to get started with Stata. Some basic knowledge of statistics and research methodology is useful, but not required. The aim is to provide a soft and not-too-technical introduction.

How do I sign up?

Sign up with this form. You will need a valid user account at UiO.

Important: Participants must have Stata already installed on their PC. The latest version of Stata may be downloaded from or Stata is also available remotely on UiO Programkiosk. If you need help with the installation, contact local IT in your department.

Course materials

The Example datasets should be downloaded and unzipped beforehand. Slides will be handed out after the course. The slides are quite detailed. So instead of taking notes, we recommend to focus on active participation in Stata.


The main goals are to

  1. Get started with Stata

  2. Learn data management
  3. Get an overview of how to use Stata for analysis

Topics include: The different Stata windows, opening data files, data set structure, selecting observations, documenting your work, dealing with missing data, descriptive statistics and graphics, example commands for estimation and hypothesis testing, getting help/further studies.


The course will be in English this semester.


Knut Waagan, PhD, Department for Data Capture and Collections Management , USIT.

Contact information

It is best to send questions about the course to

Tags: Stata
Published Aug. 26, 2021 4:52 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2021 10:56 AM