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Kommende arrangementer

Tid og sted: , Domus Medica, Runde Auditorium

30.01.25: Rune Blomhoffs jubileum markeres med et symposium om hans akademiske aktivitet gjennom de siste 40 ?r

31.01.25: Workshop om metoder for m?ling av kroppssammensetning og energibehov (holdes p? engelsk)


Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Aud. 1., Blindern

Open lectures by Trond H. Torsvik, Sarah Stewart Johnson, Liv Hornek?r, and Tue Hassenkam. The event is conducted in English.

Tid og sted: , Legenes hus, Christiania Torv 5, Oslo

How to get your research published in the best journals? A two-day Course on Scientific Writing in Medicine 2025

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus

The Department of Economics is hosting a master's ceremony, the 19th of June. This ceremony is for the students who have handed in their thesis autumn 2024 or spring 2025.