Tidligere arrangementer - Side 101
Emanuela Rosazza Gianin (University of Milano-Bicocca) gives a lecture with the title: Time-consistency for cash-subadditive risk measures
Christian Bender (Saarland University) gives a lecture with the title: Discretizing Malliavin calculus
Dr. Paddy Fleming, president i EAPD og Senior Lecturer ved Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin, skal holde en gjesteforelesning. Forelesningen teller 1 time i NTFs obligatoriske etterutdanningssystem,
Abstract: For the ax+b semigroup over the natural numbers, which is known to be part of a quasi-lattice ordered group, Laca and Raeburn considered its Nica-Toeplitz algebra and its Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra, with a special appeal to nice presentations by generators and relations as well as the structure of KMS states for a natural dynamics. Shortly thereafter, Brownlowe-an Huef-Laca-Raeburn showed that there are two intermediate quotients between the Nica-Toeplitz algebra and the Cuntz-Nica-Pimsner algebra that exhibit interesting structural properties, especially with regards to KMS states. Since then, analogous quotients have been considered (partly in disguise) in a growing list of case studies on the KMS state structure, e.g. for dilation matrices, self-similar actions, and Baumslag-Solitair monoids. Somewhat surprisingly, all these case studies can be viewed from the perspective of semigroup C*-algebras of right LCM semigroups, and in this talk, I shall describe a unifying perspective on such boundary quotient diagrams. Thereby several questions concerning the general structure of right LCM semigroups are raised.
Doing research nowadays, requires more expertise in how to deal with digital data. Increased focus by public funders on sharing research data, rises the need for enhanced competence on how we manage our research data.
Welcome to two open lectures in pharmacology.
By Juan Bonachela from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Syksy R?s?nen University researcher at the University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Division of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Yashar Akrami, Postdoctoral Fellow , Heidelberg university
Fredrik Meyer (UiO), gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
K3 surfaces V: Hodge structures
By Johan H?jesj? from University of Gothenburg, Sweden
ESOP seminar. Jochen Kluve is Professor of Empirical Labor Economics at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin. He will present the paper "What Works? A Meta-Analysis of Recent Active Labor Market Program Evaluations", written jointly with David Card and Andrea Weber.
Dirk Hesse (Data Scientist at Intelligent Communication) will give a seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor Niels Henrik Abels hus at 14:15.
David Ruiz Ba?os (IMUB, University of Barcelona) gives a talk with the title: "On the regularity of densities of It?-type processes via stochastic control"
We will have a new “mingle” meeting on Friday February 12 at 11.15 (as usual). The main attraction will be Mark Cheung who will explain what we have been doing during our week long workshop on the 3d floor in room 303 - the theme is “Flares on the Sun” and modeling of these. This meeting is part of a NASA Heliophysics Grand Challenge Project, and I think I can guarantee that Mark will show some nice videos. Otherwise there will be updates from Kristine and myself on the running of the institute. But fear not, there will also be plenty of time for informal chat and eating of cake. All are welcome to the lobby on the first floor.
Atanas Iliev, Seoul National University, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Verra 3-folds and EPW quartics
CEES Extra seminar by Richard Lenski
By Dr Ross T. Tsuyuki, BSc (Pharm), PharmD, MSc, FCSHP, FACC
Sandra Gran Stadniczenko (PhD student, AQUA)
Salvador Ortiz-Latorre (University of Oslo) is giving his inaugural lecture with the title: High order weak approximation of SDEs
This will be a colloqium-style talk, with pictures, about the classifying spaces and automorphism groups of manifolds, and the relation to surgery theory and algebraic K-theory.
Uni Fuskeland, PhD student, ITA
Andrea Hofmann (HBV) gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Minimal resolutions for projective models of K3 surfaces in rational normal scrolls
Literature used in the seminar are selected chapters in the book ?K3 Projective Models in Scrolls? by Trygve Johnsen and Andreas Leopold Knutsen.
Abstract: As has been observed by many authors, the Drinfeld double of the q-deformation of a compact Lie group can be regarded as a quantization of the complexification of the original Lie group. Using this point of view, I will discuss irreducible unitary representations of these Drinfeld doubles.