Tidligere arrangementer - Side 102
Kostiantyn Ralchenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) gives a talk with the title: A generalisation of the fractional Brownian field based on non-Euclidean norms
Yuliya Mishura (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) gives a lecture with the title: What can happen between two self-similarities?
Friday seminar by Benjamin Weigel
Geir Ellingsrud (UiO), gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Projective models of K3-surfaces II
The seminar takes place in the seminar room on the 9th floor of the computer science building.
Abstract: We discuss a way of constructing noncommutative projective manifolds as inductive and projective limits, generalizing the so-called Berezin quantization for ordinary compact K?hler manifolds. We first review the physical motivation for Berezin quantization and then discuss how the restriction to commutative manifolds limits the use of this quantization. We will also outline how our more general construction appears naturally in the study of the long-time limit of open quantum systems.
Ingrid Hob?k Haff (UiO, Dept. of mathematics) will give a seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor N.H. Abel's House at 14:15.
Anna Lipniacka, Professor, Institutt for Fysikk og Teknologi, Universitetet i Bergen
Hyperbolic-Elliptic models for two-phase flow in porous media
Geir Ellingsrud, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Projective models of K3-surfaces (after Saint-Donat)
Bas Jordans will continue his talk from last week.
18. januar legges OECDs nyeste landrapport om Norge frem. I den forbindelse vil representanter fra OECD 19. januar bes?ke Blindern og ?konomisk institutt for ? holde en presentasjon med tittelen "Getting policy right for successful restructuring of the Norwegian economy".
Studenter og andre interesserte ?nskes velkommen.
Presentasjonen vil holdes p? engelsk.
The presentation will be given in English.
Potential flow with free boundaries using the level set method. A review of some electro-hydrodynamic applications
Friday seminar by John M. Fryxell, University of Guelph, Canada
Karen Johansen, Senior Adviser, Office for International Relations and Research Support
Oddbjorn Engvold, Professor emeritus, ITA
John Christian Ottem, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Introduksjon til K3-flater (etter Saint-Donat)
Bas Jordans will give a talk with title " Random walks on discrete quantum groups: convergence to the boundary"
For classical random walks there exist two boundaries: the Poisson boundary and the Martin boundary. The relation between these two boundaries is described by the so-called "convergence to the boundary". For random walks on discrete quantum groups both the Poisson boundary and Martin boundary are defined and a non-commutative analogue of convergence to the boundary can be formulated. However, no proof is known for a such a theorem. In the first part of the talk we will discuss the classical and quantum version of convergence to the boundary, explain how these are related and give an overview of what is known in general for the quantum case. In the second part we will discuss the boundary convergence for SUq(2) and for monoidally equivalent quantum groups.
Friday seminar by Indr? ?liobait?
J?rgen Vold Rennemo (Oxford), gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Francisco José Bullejos Carrillo (post doc, AQUA)
Key Words: Saharan aerosol nutrient inputs; UVR; phyto-zooplankton coupling
The School of Pharmacy and Centre for Integrative Microbial Evolution (CIME) invites you to the CIME International Winter Symposium held in conjunction with an honorary symposium for professor Anne-Brit Kolst? who retired from her position at the School of Pharmacy July 31st 2015. Please register for lunch by email to: aloechen@farmasi.uio.no
Signe Riemer-S?rensen, Post-Doctoral researcher, ITA
By Sigrun Jonasdottir