Tidligere arrangementer - Side 104
Elin Melby, Technology Strategy Manager, invent2.com
CEES Extra seminar by Matthew A. Wund, The College of New Jersey, USA
H?kon Robbestad Gylterud, Stockholm Universitetet
Alfons van Daele (Leuven) will give a talk with title: The Haar measure on quantum groups
Abstract: At this moment, there is no theory of locally compact quantum groups with axioms from which one can prove the existence of the Haar weights. In general, the existence is part of the axioms. There are however a few cases where the existence can be proven. This is true for compact quantum groups and for discrete quantum groups. We will discuss some aspects of these proofs and see which of them are useful in the general case.
Prof. Paul Switzer (Stanford, Dept. of Statistics) will give a seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor N.H. Abel's House at 14:15 October 20th.
Hydrodynamics and adhesion of soft interfaces
Jan Heuschele, post doc, AQUA, IBV
David Ruiz Ba?os gives a talk with the title: "Optimal bounds and H?lder continuous densities of solutions of SDEs with measurable and path-dependent drift coefficients"
Viggo Hansteen, Professor, ITA
Francesco Cavazzani, Harvard University, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Complete twisted cubics
Prof. Alan Gelfand (Duke University, Dept. of Statistical Science) will give a seminar in room 108, ground floor N.H. Abel's Building at 15:15 October 13th.
Prof. Mike West (Duke University, Dept. of Statistical Science) will give a seminar in room 108, ground floor N.H. Abel's House at 14:15 October 13th.
Ingrid Hob?k Haff is giving her inaugural lecture with the title: Parameter estimation for pair-copula constructions.
Sven Wedemeyer, Researcher - Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
Fra kaos til flyt - hvordan skape effektive og sunne omstillinger i statlige virksomheter?
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Kjell Arne Brekke and Karine Nyborg invite to a workshop about work motivation and the Nordic model.
Friday seminar by Chris Thomas from Department of Biology, University of York, UK
Geir Ellingsrud, Professor, Mathematics Department, UiO
Martin Gulbrandsen, UiS, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
The dual cell complex of Hilbert scheme degenerations
Judith Packer, University of Colorado (Boulder), USA, will give a talk with title: Wavelets associated to representations of higher-rank graph C*-algebras
Abstract: Let $\Lambda$ denote a finite $k$-graph in the sense of A. Kumjian and D. Pask that is strongly connected, and let $\Lambda^{\infty}$ denote its infinite path space. I discuss some recent joint work with C. Farsi, E. Gillaspy, and S. Kang, where we construct a system of functions that we call ``wavelets" on a Hilbert space of square-integrable functions on $\Lambda^{\infty}.$ In so doing, we generalize work of M. Marcolli and A. Paolucci for finite directed graphs to the higher rank case. The key tool is the construction of a representation of the graph $C^*$-algebra $C^{\ast}(\Lambda)$ on $L^2(\Lambda^{\infty},M)$ for the appropriate measure $M.$ When the finite $k$-graph $\Lambda$ in question is strongly connected and aperiodic, the representation of $C^{\ast}(\Lambda)$ that we obtain is faithful.
Fabian Krüger (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies) will give a 30 min seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor N.H. Abel's House at 14:45 September 29th.
Monica Musio (University of Cagliari) will give a 30 min seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor N.H. Abel's House at 14:15 September 29th.
Shinji Mukohyama, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Antoine Julien, NTNU, will give a talk with title: Links between cut-and-project tilings and Diophantine approximation
Abstract: Cut-and-project tilings are obtained by cutting a slice of a higher dimensional lattice and projecting it on a lower dimensional space. The result is a point set which is regular enough (since it originates from a lattice), but is not periodic, provided the direction of the slice is irrational in a suitable sense. In one dimension, typical examples of this construction are Sturmian subshifts. It is known that some of their dynamical properties depend on the arithmetic properties of a certain parameter. In this talk, I will recall some known results by Hedlund and Morse on Sturmian subshifts. Then, I will describe how, even in higher dimensions, the repetition properties of some cut-and-project sets can be linked to problems of simultaneous Diophantine approximation. This is joint work with A. Haynes, H. Koivusalo and J. Walton.