Tidligere arrangementer - Side 138
Friday Seminar by Tim Coulson.
Friday Seminar by Hans Ellegren.
Friday Seminar by Per Lundberg.
Partnerforums tredje m?te i Innovasjonsnettverket:
Nettverket for innovasjon i offentlig sektor inviterer til debatt om innovasjon i helsesektoren. Temaet aktualiseres ved at det arbeides med en Innovasjonsmelding fra Regjeringen der helse er ett av temaene som er i fokus. H?pet er at m?tet vil bidra med nyttige innspill til dette arbeidet.
Ekstra fredagskollokvium
Partnerforums andre m?te i Innovasjonsnettverket.
Nettverket for innovasjon i offentlig sektor inviterer til debatt omkring utdanningssystemets rolle for innovasjon i privat og offentlig sektor. Vi ?nsker ? dr?fte i hvilken grad universitetene og h?gskolene makter ? utf?re disse oppgavene i dag og om innovasjonsevnen kan styrkes.
The talk deals with the stability of water waves in a shear flow. A carefully designed numerical solver enables to extend the range of previous calculations, and to obtain results for larger wavelengths (up to 20 cm) and stronger winds (up to a shear-velocity of 1 m/s). The main finding is the appearance of a second unstable mode which quite often turns out to be the dominant one. A comparison between results from the viscous model (Orr-Sommerfeld equations), and those of the inviscid model (Rayleigh equations), for 18cm long waves, reveals some similarity in the structure of the eigenfunctions, but a significant difference in the imaginary part of the eigenvalues (i.e. the growth-rate). It is found that the growth-rate for the viscous model is 10 fold larger than that of the inviscid one.
Michael Stiassnie er professor ved Technion, Israel
By James Cheverud.
Friday Seminar by Elinor Ostrom.
Friday Seminar
By Don Levitan.
By Wolfgang Kiessling.
Friday Seminar
By Henrik Madsen.
Partnerforums tredje etikknettverksm?te.
M. Stiassnie , A. Regev, and Y. Agnon: The stability and long-time evolution of narrow spectra homogeneous seas subject to inhomogeneous disturbances is studied. Specifically, we study unidirectional spectra, where according to classical homogeneous theory (i.e. the Kinetic equation), no spectral evolution is expected. In the region of instability , recurrent evolution is discovered. This behavior is qualitatively different from recent work on discrete spectra that exhibited irreversible widening of narrow spectra. The inhomogeneous structure of the unstable modes that leads to the recurrent evolution is revealed.