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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 139

Tid og sted: , B91

A theoretical model for propagation of internal waves under an ice cover is developed. The sea water is considered to be inviscid, non-rotating, and incompressible and the Brunt-V?¤is?¤l?¤ frequency is supposed to be constant. The ice is considered of uniform thickness, with constant values of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, density and compressive stress in the ice. The boundary conditions are such that the normal velocity at the bottom is zero and, at the undersurface of the ice, the linearized kinematical and dynamic boundary conditions are satisfied. We present and analyze explicit solutions for the internal waves under the ice cover and the dispersion equations. It is shown that when the frequency is near, but smaller than the Brunt-Vaisela frequency the ice deflections can be considerable. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data for the Arctic regions.

Sergey Muzylev is at the Shirsov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow

Tid og sted: , B91

The study is based on field measurements since 2002. We analyze the transport of Antarctic Bottom Water in Deep Channels of the Atlantic: Vema Channel (31deg S), Romanche Fracture Zone (0 deg) and Vema Fracture Zone (11 deg N). The flow of bottom water in the Vema Channel can reach 4 mln. sq. m per second and the velocity is as high as 60 cm/s. The transport and velocities in the Romanche Fracture Zone and Vema Fracture Zone are smaller and do not exceed 500 th. sq. m per sec. The major penetration of bottom waters to the Northeastern Atlantic basins occurs through the Vema FZ but not through the Romanche FZ because strong tidal internal waves on the slopes of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near Romanche FZ exceed 50 m, while at the Vema FZ they are approximately 20 m. Such difference in mixing of bottom waters with the overlying North Atlantic Deep water results in the fact the deep Northeastern Atlantic basins are filled with the bottom water transported through the Vema FZ.

Eugene Morozov is proessor at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow


Friday Seminar by Odo Diekmann.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)


Tid og sted: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>.

Friday Seminar

By Eric Edeline.


Friday Seminar by Hans Metz.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)



Friday Seminar

By Stefan Geritz.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)



Friday Seminar

By Jorijntje Henderiks.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)



Friday Seminar by Mats Gyllenberg.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)


Tid og sted: , Norges forskningsr?d, seminarrom Frisch/Hassel

Er det noe ved den norske samfunnsmodellen som gj?r oss gode p? innovasjon?

Partnerforums medlemmer ble invitert til spesialseminar hos Norges forskningsr?d  23. januar 2008

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)


Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)



Friday Seminar by Thomas Flatt.


Friday Seminar by Phil Williamson.

Tid og sted: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)



Friday Seminar by Paul Grini.

Tid og sted: , Akersgata 59 (R5), rom D 2511

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Hva slags barrierer st?r i veien for entrepren?rskap i offentlig sektor og hva slags incentiver kan myndighetene gj?re bruk av for ? stimulere til slike innovasjonsprosesser?