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Friday Seminar
By Tom Gilbert
Friday Seminar
By Johanna Mappes.
Friday Seminar
By Joachim Hermisson.
This presentation concerns the mathematical formulation of steady surface gravity waves in a Lagrangian description of motion. It will be demonstrated that classical second-order Lagrangian Stokes-like approximations do not represent a steady wave motion in the presence of net mass transport (Stokes drift). A general mathematically correct formulation is then derived. This derivation leads naturally to a Lagrangian Stokes-like perturbation scheme that is uniformly valid for all time, i.e. without secular terms. This scheme is illustrated, both for irrotational waves, with seventh-order and third-order approximations in deep water and finite depth, respectively, and for rotational waves with a third-order approximation of the Gerstner-like wave on finite depth. It is also shown that the Lagrangian approximations are more accurate than their Eulerian counterparts of same order.
Didier Clamond has been a post.-doc. at the Department at Mathematics, UiO. He is now faculty member at the University of Nice, Sophia-Antipolis.
Friday Seminar
By Sigurd Einum.
Friday Seminar
By Leigh Van Valen.
Friday Seminar by Gro Amdam.
Partnerforums fjerde etikknettverksm?te tok opp norske eksempler og internasjonale erfaringer som viser at det kreves mer enn lover og interne regler for ? sikre b?de plikter og rettigheter for ansatte som varsler om uheldig praksis i egen organisasjon.
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Friday Seminar
By Arie Van Noordwijk.
Friday Seminar
By Douglas Futuyma.
Friday Seminar by Tim Coulson.
Friday Seminar by Hans Ellegren.
Friday Seminar by Per Lundberg.