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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 6

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 5 at Eilert Sundts Hus A

Department seminar. Ulrich Wagner is a Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim. He will present the paper "Urban Air Pollution and Sick Leaves: Evidence from Social Security Data" (written with Felix Holub and Laura Hospido).

Tid og sted: , Kino, Oslo Science Park

Johan Henriksson, Associate Professor at the University of Ume?, will present his work on "Mapping of gene regulatory networks using CRISPR screening and single-cell analysis".

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts hus, ninth floor, room 929

The Departmental Seminar Series features associate professor Gustav Peebles, Department of Anthropology, Stockholms Universitet.

Tid og sted: , P.A. Munchs hus Seminarrom 13

Agnieszka St?pkowska explores how bilingual couples use and maintain Esperanto as a lingua franca, and efforts to pass the language onto their children.

Tid og sted: , Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels H. Abels hus, 8th floor

Camilla got her PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Cambridge in 2023, where she worked on the development of Bayesian methodology for joint network modelling of high-dimensional data, with applications in autoimmune disease and cancer omics. She is currently a DSTrain Postdoctoral Fellow at The Norwegian Centre for Knowledge-driven Machine Learning Integreat, at the University of Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2

I anledning professor Espen Ytrebergs 60-?rsdag inviterer Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon til seminar om ? skrive om fag for alle. Espen f?r selskap av andre dyktige skrivere og vi ser frem til en interessant ettermiddag!

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom 2, P.A Munchs hus

Lecture by Gao Xi, professor of History and Medical History at the Fudan University.

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Maren Holthe Hedne is a PhD-Student at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Nicasio Martinez Miguel discusses experiences from teaching in the Master’s Program in Translation and Interpretation of Indigenous Languages at the Autonomous “Benito Juarez” University of Oaxaca, Mexico, focusing on the use of identity texts as a tool for the development of Indigenous language literacy.

Tid og sted: , GM 652

Velkommen til idéhistorisk lunsjseminar med professor i litteraturvitenskap Knut Ove Eliassen fra NTNU.

Tid og sted: , NHA UE26

QOMBINE seminar by Jonas Eidesen (University of Oslo)

Tid og sted: , M?terom 536, HW

Audun Mortensen er nyansatt doktorgradsstipendiat i nordisk litteratur, og kommer til litter?rt instiuttseminar for ? presentere sitt prosjekt, med arbeidstittelen: ?Favorittmigrantenes motfortellinger: Postnasjonale lengsler i skandinavisk adopsjonslitteratur 1996-2024?.

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 218, Frederik Holsts hus

The African Anthropology seminar series features Caroline Meier, research fellow at the LeipzigLab “Global Health”, University of Leipzig.

Tid og sted: , NHA B1120
Tid og sted: , Auditorium U40, Domus Theologica

Velkommen til et fredagsseminar hvor vi feirer de nylig avlagte masterne for 2024!

Tid og sted: , 3508 Kristine Bonnevie, Blindern

By Dr. Wasimuddin, Senior Researcher, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, ?s, Norway

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Damon Clark is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Irvine. He will present the paper "How Does Class Size Shape the Learning Environment, Student Achievement and Wellbeing?".

Tid og sted: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus

Jonathan C. Tan, Chalmers University and University of Virginia.

Tid og sted: , UE26

C*-seminar by Michelle G?bel.

Tid og sted: , 452 GM

Asbj?rn Gr?nstad er professor i Visuell Kultur ved UiB og har s?rlig arbeidet med sp?rsm?l om etikk knyttet til kontroversielle uttrykk i billedmediene.

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Felix Poege is an Assistant Professor at Bocconi Univeristy's Management and Technology Department. He will present the paper "Competition and Innovation: The Breakup of IG Farben."

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts hus, ninth floor, room 929

The Departmental Seminar Series features senior researcher Tone Sommerfelt, at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)