Tidligere arrangementer - Side 83
Nina J. Edin holder pr?veforelesning i forbindelse med intervju for 1. amanuensisstilling i Biofysikk og medisinsk fysikk.
Recently two different refinements of Voevodsky's theory of presheaves with transfers were introduced: the first one is the theory of framed presheaves based on the unpublished notes by Voevodsky and developed by Garkusha and Panin and the second one is the theory of Milnor-Witt presheaves due to Calmes and Fasel. I will review some relations between these theories and explain that the hearts of the homotopy t-structures on the corresponding categories of motives are naturally equivalent. The talk is based on a joint work with A. Neshitov.
Emanuela Rosazza (University of Milano Bicocca) gives a lecture with a title: Time-consistency of risk measures: how strong is such a property?
ESOP seminar. Gaurab Aryal is an Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. He will present a paper entitled "Public Communication and Collusion in the Airline Industry", co-authored by Federico Ciliberto, and Benjamin T. Leyden.
Steinar Midtskogen, Cisco Systems
Shiqi Song (University of Evry Val d'Esssone, France) will give a minicourse with the title: Topics on defaultable market and on default valuation
Shiqi Song (University of Evry Val d'Esssone, France) will give a minicourse with the title: Topics on defaultable market and on default valuation
In this third talk we will define Legendrian contact homology for Legendrian submanifolds in the 1-jet space of a smooth manifold M. Again, this will be the homology of a DGA generated by the double points of the Legendrian under the Lagrangian projection. The differential is defined by a count of punctured pseudo-holomorphic disks in the cotangent bundle of M, with boundary on the projected Legendrian. To prove that this indeed gives a differential we will use the theory of Fredholm operators from functional analysis. I will also say something about Floer theories in general. In particular, one of the main difficulties when defining Floer theories via pseudo-holomorphic curve techniques is to achieve transversality for the dbar-operator. There has been a development of several different machineries to solve these problems, for examle Polyfolds by Hofer et al., and Pardon's work on Virtual fundamental cycles. In our case, however, it is enough to perturb either the Legendrian submanifold or the almost complex structure.
Shiqi Song (University of Evry Val d'Esssone, France) will give a minicourse with the title: Topics on defaultable market and on default valuation
ESOP seminar. Fridrik Mar Baldursson is a Professor of Economics at Reykjavik University. He will present a paper entitled "Capital Controls as a Bargaining Device: The Case of Iceland", co-authored by Richard Portes, and Eiríkur Elís Thorlaksson.
Shiqi Song (University of Evry Val d'Esssone, France) will give a minicourse with the title: Topics on defaultable market and on default valuation
Principal Investigator Jay F Storz, University of Nebraska.
Lluis Mas, PhD student, ITA
I will review Marcel B?kstedt's calculation of the topological Hochschild homology of prime fields and the integers, taking into account simplifications made in papers by Angeltveit-R. (where BP<m-1> specializes to HFp for m=0 and to HZ(p) for m=1) and Ausoni (proof of Lemma 5.3).
Speaker: Giuseppe Coclite (University of Bari)
Title: Nonlinear Peridynamic Models
Abstract: Some materials may naturally form discontinuities such as cracks as a result of scale effects and long range interactions. Peridynamic models such behavior introducing a new nonlocal framework for the basic equations of continuum mechanics. In this lecture we consider a nonlinear peridynamic model and discuss its well-posedness in suitable fractional Sobolev spaces. Those results were obtained in collaboration with S. Dipierro (Milano), F. Maddalena (Bari) and E. Valdinoci (Milano).
Inspired by the Voevodsky machinery of standard triples a machinery of nice triples was invented in [PSV]. We develop further the latter machiny such that it works also in the finite field case [P]. This machinary is a tool to prove many interesting moving lemmas. It leads to a serios of applications. One of them is a proof of the Grothendieck--Serre conjecture in the finite field case. Another is a proof of Gersten type results for arbitrary cohomology theories on algebraic varieties. The Gersen type results allows to conclude the following: a presheaf of S1-spectra E on the category of k-smooth schemes is A1-local iff all its Nisnevich sheaves of stable A1-homotopy groups are strictly homotopy invariant. If the field k is infinite, then the latter result is due to Morel [M]. An example of moving lemma is this. Let X be a k-smooth quasi-projective irreducible k-variety, Z be its closed subset and x be a finite subset of closed points in X. Then there exists a Zariski open U containing x and a naive A1-homotopy between the motivic space morphism U--> X--> X/U and the morphism U--> X/U sending U to the distinguished point of X/U. Application: suppose E is a cohomology theory on k-smooth varieties and alpha is an E-cohomology class on X which vanishes on the complement of Z, then it vanishes on U from the lemma above.
Sofia Felting, Professor of astronomy, Lund Observatory, Sweden
Prof. em. Alv Egeland holder foredrag om Birkeland.
Kakeservering og bokpresentasjon!
Soft and Wet is Different
In this second talk, I will define Chekanov's version of Legendrian contact homology (LCH) for Legendrian knots in R3. I will begin with an example, showing that LCH is more sensitive than the classical invariants. This will use a linearized version of the homology. In the second part of the talk I will focus on the proof that the differential indeed squares to zero, and also say something about invariance under Legendrian Reidemeister moves. This is intended to be a smooth introduction to the next talk, where we will consider Legendrian contact homology defined for Legendrians in arbitrary 1-jet spaces. This case is more delicate, and we have to understand the concept of Gromov compactness for pseudo-holomorphic curves to prove that we get a differential graded algebra associated to each Legendrian, whose homology will give a Legendrian invariant.
Let G be a finite (abstract) group and let k be a field of characteristic zero. We prove that for a non-singular projective G-variety X over k, and a non-singular G-invariant subvariety Y of dimension >= 3, which is a scheme-theoretic complete intersection in X, the pullback map PicG(X) -> PicG(Y) is an isomorphism. This is an equivariant analog of the Grothendieck-Lefschetz theorem for Picard groups.