Popular culture and social transformation
International conference in Oslo, 4-5 October 2012. This conference will ask why and how to study popular culture’s role in understanding social transformations, society and politics. We invite papers from the humanities and social sciences presenting concrete case studies as well as addressing the overarching theoretical questions. The two keynote speakers, Simon Lindgren and Jason Dittmer, will present on the theoretical and methodological aspects of popular culture, and we will accommodate for ample room for discussion and cross-disciplinary fertilization.
Conference updates
- 03.10.12: The program has been updated
- 02.10.12: The program has been updated
- 25.09.12: Program and Book of abstracts have been updated
- 20.09.12: Updated program and Book of abstracts published
- 29.06.12: The registration help desk is closed in July
- 20.06.12: A provisional program has been published
- 06.06.12: Registration is open
- 06.06.12: Authors notified by email of the result of their abstract submission
- 15.05.12: Deadline for abstracts extended to 25 May
- 13.03.12: CFP is published
From the The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, October 30, 2010 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Photo: James Welcher. CC.