Ella Maria Cosmovici Ids?e -
Current Position:
Professor in Psychology, co-leader of INTED. -
Do you have experience with interdisciplinary projects?
I participated in the KA3 EU project STEAM+ Innovating STE(A)M in Higher Education with Transdisciplinary Talent Programs. -
What are your current research projects?
I am involved in an interdisciplinary project about adjusting school didactics and how it can contribute to increased social and emotional skills among students. Another project involves the development of the STEM Talent centers in Norway and the factors contributing to enhanced academic and social satisfaction among students. -
What led you to engaging in the INTED center?
The previous STEAM+ EU project and the need for interdisciplinarity expressed by students themselves. Students express their need and desire to act upon current complex challenges and creating a sustainable future. Also, my own wish that UiO should develop the interdisciplinary competence needed in the global world. -
What inspires/drives your interest in interdisciplinarity?
Studying psychology, I was always especially fascinated by the neurobiology of trauma, how our experiences become our biology. I believe it is emergent to shape knowledge in an interdisciplinary way simply because the world is itself interdisciplinary. We need interdisciplinarity as part of sustainability transformations. The division between disciplines is contributing to socio-environmental problems. -
In your view, why is INTED important for UiO?
There is an international call for innovative pedagogies that frame sustainability in higher education and creating new interdisciplinary ways of knowing by widening participation and decolonizing curriculum. INTED can act as “the heart” that would support UiO in achieving this. -
What do you think/hope that INTED can provide for UiO?
I hope INTED is just the start of the transformation process at UiO. A place where students and teachers can develop their interdisciplinary skills, internalize, and transfer them in their own institution and projects. In my opinion, the center will not produce a cookbook with a set of recipes or formulas, but rather sources of insight and inspiration, a culture for interdisciplinarity. It shall provide case studies and reflections on what works well and what could be challenging in our Norwegian context. -
What does it mean for you to be part of an excellence center for interdisciplinary education?
I feel really privileged to be part of this center’s journey together in teamwork with engaged students, teachers, and administration. We learn a lot from each other; we develop together and build on each other’s knowledge, competence, and life experiences. -
With interdisciplinarity on the rise, what is the future of higher education?
Things are moving in the right direction. Interdisciplinarity does not exclude the existence of strong disciplines. The key is to find the underlying principles, commonalities and encourage students to move beyond their own disciplines. Interdisciplinarity for sustainability should be “the heart” of higher education, reflected in all levels and structures, and most important involving our students in real-world experiences.
Intervjuer om tverrfaglig utdanning
We have talked with Ella Maria Cosmovici Ids?e, Professor in Psychology, co-leader of INTED.

Publisert 19. nov. 2024 20:02
- Sist endret 19. nov. 2024 20:16