- R?dgivning i bruk av video i nettbasert utdanning, forskningsformidling, promotering og undervisning
- Videoproduksjon: produksjonsledelse og regi
- Nettkurs (FutureLearn, UiOs MOOC plattform)
- Dirigentrollen i undervisningen - kurs i universitetspedagogisk utdanning
- Administrative oppgaver knyttet til senteret
- Verneombud
- Fjernsynsjournalistikk, Volda DH
- Mediepedagogikk, NTNU
- Drama/teater, NTNU
- Relasjonsledelse/EQ-terapi, EQ Institute
- Div. kurs i prosjektledelse, prosjektkoordinering, coaching
- Formidlingskunst og presentasjonsteknikk
- Fysisk og digitalt l?ringsmilj?
- Relasjonsledelse og personlig utvikling
audiovisuell formidling,
digitale l?ringsomgivelser,
J?nnum, Siri & Lomell, Lars
OBSERVATORIET - en film om Christoffer Hansteen og Observatoriet i Oslo. Om lengdegrader, breddegrader og magnetisme, fortalt av Andreas Wahl. Filmen er en ressurs inn i skoleprosjektet ved Observatoriet.
Skaar, Bj?rn; Risan, Leidulv; Korten, Jens Uwe; J?nnum, Siri & Einarsson, Albert
Hotellet : tekst?pner : episode 1-9.
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9 videotrigger for "Klar for Norge : norsk med samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere"
Lindland, Greta; Skaar, Bj?rn & J?nnum, Siri
My Rights - Booklet to accompany video on the equal human rithts of people with mental disabilities.
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A community that is open and respects all human beings and our human
rights will be a better society for all to live in.
Every community includes people with some form of mental disability.
These people have the same human rights as all other human beings.
Basic human rights are often denied them through lack of awareness and
through discrimination.
On this video you will find 11 small programmes which show how people
with a mental disability may enjoy their human rights through the
support of their empowered families, friends and communities.
A booklet presenting issues for discussion and suggesting ways of using
the material in the video programmes comes with the video.
We hope that this video and the booklet will inspire you to promote,
protect and implement the human rights of people with a mental
disability in your community.
Special thanks to the disability advocacy organisations in Jamaica,
Lesotho, Mauritius, Norway, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and
Zimbabwe. Their commitment has made this video and booklet a reality.
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20. juni 2013 12:28
- Sist endret
8. aug. 2024 10:34