Gjesteforelesninger og seminarer
Kommende arrangementer
Helene Kn?velsrud, Associate Professor in the Division of Biochemistry at UiO, will present her work on "When should you stop eating yourself? Or how is autophagy terminated?"
In this final seminar, J?rgen Finstad will present the draft of his PhD thesis titled “Exploring multi-sector dynamics of lumpy decarbonization technologies: The case of Carbon Capture in Norway”.
The amplituhedron is a semi-algebraic set given as the image of the positive Grassmannian under a linear map subject to a choice of additional parameters. We define the Infinituhedron as the limit of amplituhedra by sending one of the parameters to infinity. We derive its algebraic boundary in terms of Chow varieties and explain its geometric interpretation from the point of view of Positive Geometry in terms of secants of the rational normal curve. This discussion shows that the Infinituhedron is a positive geometry with a unique differential form. Joint work with Rainer Sinn.
Chebyshev varieties are algebraic varieties parametrized by Chebyshev polynomials or their multivariate generalizations. We determine the dimension, degree, singular locus and defining equations of these varieties. We explain how they play the role of toric varieties in sparse polynomial root finding, when monomials are replaced by Chebyshev polynomials. We present numerical root finding algorithms that exploit our results. Joint work with Za?neb Bel-Afia and Chiara Meroni.
Senter for tverrfaglig kj?nnsforskning inviterer kolleger og venner til v?rt ?rlige nytt?rsselskap. Det blir nytt?rsforedrag ved Inger Skjelsb?k, mat og drikke, og utdeling av pris for beste masteroppgave med kj?nnsperspektiv.