Gjesteforelesninger og seminarer
Kommende 5 dager
Dr. Gross is currently Senior Scientist and Interim Head of the Epigenetics & Neurobiology Unit of EMBL in Rome, Italy. The title of his talk is: "How does context and experience shape social fear circuits?".
Department seminar. Sebastian Seitz is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Manchester. He will present the paper "Estimating the Moral Hazard Cost of Private Disability Insurance and its Welfare Consequences."
It is time for our monthly mingle meeting. Students and employees at the institute will meet up for informal chat.
The revised EU Renewable Energy Directive, adopted in 2023, sets an EU target for renewables of at least 42.5%, which will require that the installed wind capacity grows to more than 500 GW by 2030. A major part of this target is offshore wind energy, with bottom-fixed substructures in water depths up to about 70m, and floating platforms for deeper waters. Due to the coupling between loads, motions and control system, analysis of floating wind turbines is usually carried out with time-domain aero-servo-hydro-elastic simulation tools. The seminar will give a technology overview, state-of-the-art in modelling, and mention some of the scientific challenges currently being addressed in the wind energy community.
PhD candidate Tora Olsen at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis 'On early life dynamics and population sizes of Barents Sea fish' for the degree of PhD.
Merete Pettersen holder innlegg for Forskerseminaret i tekst og retorikk.
Arkeologisk fredagsseminar med phd-stipendiat Paulina Blaesild fra G?teborgs universitet som vil snakke om "Wet land vegetative mind. Mesolithic human:environment relations and plant composition change in wetlands with cases from Dagmosse bog, South Central Sweden".
Flere kommende arrangementer
Department seminar. John Hassler is a Professor of Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University. He will present the paper "Climate Policy in the Wide World" (written with Per Krusell and Conny Olovson).
Stephen May explores discourses of linguistic racism by white New Zealanders toward the Indigenous Māori language, in everyday discourses and the media.
The Section 4 seminar for Spring 2025 will be held on Tuesdays at 10.15 am in room 1020.
Professor Mi Yung Park and Professor Stephen May will give a presentation on ethical considerations and implications when conducting applied linguistics’ research with Indigenous and/or minoritized participants.
The Departmental Seminar Series features lecturer Taras Fedirko, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow