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Partnerforums innovasjonsnettverks femte m?te:
God styring av IKT er blitt sv?rt krevende. Mengden teknologisystemer og h?yt antall ulike leverand?rer gj?r styring og ledelse til en hovedutfordring ved offentlige IT-prosjekter. Seminaret s?ker ? belyse hvordan det offentlige b?r h?ndtere sine IKT-utfordringer framover. Har det offentlige noe ? l?re av det private n?ringsliv?
Friday Seminar by Erik Matthysen.
Friday Seminar
By Fanie Pelletier.
Friday Seminar
By Elizabeth E. Crone.
Friday Seminar by Philippe Cury.
Friday Seminar by John McNamara.
Friday Seminar by Rus Hoelzel.
Friday Seminar by Menno Bouma.
Friday Seminar by ?ke Brannstr?m.
Friday Seminar by Mihaela Pavlicev.
Partnerforums femte etikknettverksm?te tok opp kommunikasjonsbetingelser og varsling - hva er varsling, hva skjer med arbeidstakere som varsler og hvorfor er noen tause?
A theoretical model for propagation of internal waves under an ice cover is developed. The sea water is considered to be inviscid, non-rotating, and incompressible and the Brunt-V?¤is?¤l?¤ frequency is supposed to be constant. The ice is considered of uniform thickness, with constant values of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, density and compressive stress in the ice. The boundary conditions are such that the normal velocity at the bottom is zero and, at the undersurface of the ice, the linearized kinematical and dynamic boundary conditions are satisfied. We present and analyze explicit solutions for the internal waves under the ice cover and the dispersion equations. It is shown that when the frequency is near, but smaller than the Brunt-Vaisela frequency the ice deflections can be considerable. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data for the Arctic regions.
Sergey Muzylev is at the Shirsov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow