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In the fourth and last Welcome to the Anthropocene lecture, Dr. Stephanie Roe, a WWF’s Global Climate & Energy Lead Scientist, will discuss the technical, economic, political, and social approaches for mitigating climate change and other key challenges of the Anthropocene.
Department seminar. John Van Reenen is Ronald Coase School Professor at the London School of Economics and Digital Fellow, Initiative for the Digital Economy at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). He will present the paper: "Ray of Hope? China and the Rise of Solar Energy".
Christopher Siwicki (The Norwegian Institute in Rome)
In this talk, professor of philosophy, Alejandra Mancilla, asks who should be the political representatives in a place with no human inhabitants, namely, Antarctica. While the Antarctic Treaty has been celebrated as a successful legal instrument for the protection of the continent, some have criticized its elitist nature and demanded a more democratic system of governance. But, should only humans be part of this arrangement? Why not penguins and maybe icebergs too?
C*-algebra seminar talk by Makoto Yamashita (University of Oslo)
Giuliano Sidro (Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, UC Berkeley)
Camille Coye (Institut Jean Nicod, ?cole Normale Supérieure, Paris) is a visiting researcher at the Super Linguistics research group. She works on animal communication.
By Alexander Eiler, University of Oslo, IBV, AQUA. Note the time.
Join us at Eilert Sundts hus, this Friday, for a CIMS seminar with Serap Saritas, on 'Islamic Financial Securities: The Case of Turkey', followed by a Q&A led by Einar Wigen, Professor in Turkish Studies.
Duncan Watts, Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.
Valentina Orrù (University of Pavia)
F?rsteamanuensis Eirik Vatn?y holder et innlegg for Forskerseminaret i tekst og retorikk om rasjonalitet og retorisk argumentasjon.
Department seminar. Rafael Dix-Carneiro is an Associate Professor of Economics at Duke University. He will present the paper: "Understanding Migration Responses to Local Shocks" (written with Kirill Borusyak and Brian K. Kovak).
Felleskollokvium by Oskar Idland, Ralv G. S. Holmsen, and Jannik Eschler, Dept. of Physics, UiO
Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where we will host a talk by Sebastian Krossa (Senior Engineer, MR Core Facility, Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, NTNU).
Isak H?rem (University of Oslo)
The lecture will explore the challenges and triumphs of the Ukrainian language over the years.
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In this lecture, Dr. Henning Kl?ter discusses the many facets of languages on Taiwan.
Dr. David Adams, Senior Group Leader & Head of Experimental Cancer Genetics, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, will present his research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series.
Department seminar. Timm Behler is a Doctoral Student at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg. He will present the paper: "Salience-Based Stereotyping."
Velkommen til en samtale om kreativt og teknologisk mangfold i musikklivet.
The Ports speaker series features Sharryn Kasmir, Professor of Anthropology at Hofstra University.