Tidligere arrangementer - Side 9
Kakhaber Loria er professor ved Statsuniversitetet i Tbilisi, hvor han leder Center for Scandinavian Studies. I august gjester han ILNs litter?re instituttseminar.
Vi ?nsker velkommen til utdelingen av Zapffe-prisen for 2024.
Tanja Knaus is a PhD candidate at the TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture. This seminar marks her midway evaluation.
Denes Hnisz, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, will come to present his research at NCMM. The title of his talk is "Transcriptional condensates in health and disease".
The section 4 seminar will be held Tuesdays 10:15–11:00 in room 1020
The research group VIOLENCE at Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History invites everyone to an open lecture by Jana Tabac, Assitant Professor in the Department of International Relations at the State University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
Department seminar. Ross T. Milton is an Assistant Professor of public affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He will be presenting the paper: "The Volatility Penalty: Income Aggregation and Tax Policy" (written with Corina Mommaerts).
In this talk, Christopher S. Wood (NYU) seeks to locate impressionism within a wider horizon of self-taught or DIY artistic practices
I anledning at professor Kristin Heggen g?r over i emerita-rolle, ?nsker vi ? markere det med et lite seminar om ett tema hun har engasjert seg i den senere tid.
Ingunn Wehus, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy research group, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.
Andriana Domouzi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Spencer Hazel reports on work with the Voice-based Conversational User Interface (CUI or VUI) of the healthcare start-up Ufonia, showing how the recent adoption of Large Language Model (LLM) technology has opened up further opportunities to leverage Conversation Analysis and Applied Linguistics to help train CUIs in recipient design for L2 users
Department seminar. Andreas ?kland is a Postdoctoral fellow at School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). He will present the paper: "Who Owns Cryptocurrency?" (written with Mona Barake and Elvin Le Pouha?r).
By Dr. Yan Wong from the Big Data Institute at the University of Oxford, UK
The African Anthropology seminar series features Martha Mboka Tveit, research-fellow at the Institute for Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.
In this lecture, Claus Emmeche (University of Copenhagen) will discuss how literary texts and the concept of "semiotic realism" may inform research on the emotional attachments of friendship.
Department seminar. Tore Adam Reiremo is a Researcher at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo.
Kilden kj?nnsforskning.no inviterer til forskerstafett og debatt om skeiv kj?nnsforskning i 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med STK under Oslo Pride.
By Camilla Wikenros from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and Stein Joar Hegland from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where we will host a talk by Prof. Tobias Lenzfrom from the University of Hamburg and Assist. Prof. Ilana Berlin from the Leiden University Medical Center.
In this final seminar, Hanne Castberg Thee Tresselt will present the draft of her PhD thesis titled “Precision Vaccines and Educated Immune Systems: The shaping of immune systems through immunological practices”
The invited speaker is Megha Padi, Assistant Professor in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Arizona Cancer Centre. The title of her talk is "Translating network biology into new therapies for rare cancers".