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"Clean energy for all!" is an important slogan, both within research and politics. It is also the title and theme of this year's CenSES conference, which will take place on November 21 at Holmenkollen Park Hotel in Oslo
UiO:Energy and Subsea Valley welcome you to Georgs Sverdrups hus, UiO for an afternoon of interesting insights into the lastest technology development and engineering projects of regional industry, and research focus of some of UiO’s most cutting edge scientists.
Welcome to the opening conference of RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion. Lectures, panels, music and party!
From the Womb to the Grave - Life-course Pharmacoepidemiology
?rets BIO-konferanse handler om biologisk kommunikasjon.
Honorary guest and speaker: Holberg Prize Winner and Professor Julia Kristeva, Université Paris Diderot. Key note speakers: Professor Marie Rose Moro, Université Paris Descartes, Professor Brian Hurwitz, King's College London and Professor Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford.
Roundtable discussion chaired by Brandy Schillace, Editor-in-chief of BMJ’s Medical Humanities Journal (London). Commentary to Julia Kristeva's lecture by Prof. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (Emory University).
Noncommutative geometry aims to use geometric insight in studying phenomena that are beyond the reach of classical geometry and analysis, using functional analysis and algebra as primary rigorous tools. Over the years it has been applied to a variety of problems, from index theory for foliations, to the Novikov conjecture, quantum Hall effect, standard model, analysis on quantum groups, and many more. The goal of the one-day seminar is to use the opportunity provided by the visit of Adam Rennie from Australia to report on recent advances in the area. Another goal is to strengthen ties between the operator algebra groups in Oslo and Trondheim.
The seminar is part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Stiftelse (earlier called Bergen Research Foundation) and the Troms? Research Foundation.
Den 12. LAR-konferansen avholdes 18. og 19. oktober 2018 p? Meet Ullevaal i Oslo
From discovery to translation and innovation
Denne transatlantiske konferansen har til form?l ? styrke 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 mellom USA, Norge og de ?vrige land i Norden for ? fremme forskning og utvikling innen ‘Precision Neuroscience’, hvor diagnose og behandling av sykdommer i hjernen baserer seg p? presis kunnskap om sykdommens og den enkelte pasients egenskaper.
Norsk Informatikkonferanse (NIK) har sitt 30-?rs jubileum i 2018 og vi markerer dette ved ? holde NIKT2018 p? Svalbard.
This international symposium will focus on selected current concepts, challenges and methodologies in Infection Biology and Biomedicine.
The 9th Nordic EMBL Partnership Meeting will be hosted by NCMM in Oslo.
Meeting for Young Investigators at the 9th Annual Network Meeting of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.
Nordfjordeid Summer school 2018
Bringing together French and Norwegian participants from academia, industry and government institutions, this seminar aims at covering some of the topics related to energy and sustainable development.
The conference is part of a French-Nordic cycle of conferences: Globalisation and inequality.
Bringing together French and Norwegian participants from academia, industry and government institutions, the seminar aims at covering some of the topics related to energy and sustainable development.
This conference is part of a French-Nordic cycle of conferences: Globalisation and inequality.
The yearly conference on Mental Health and Addiction will take place in Oslo on 31st May – 1st June, 2018.
University of Oslo, Departement of Mathematics, 29-30 May 2018
Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 2
Further details see
I en tid hvor endringer skjer raskt, hvilke metoder kan embetsverket ta i bruk, og samtidig ivareta kravet om faglig uavhengighet? Hvordan skal forvaltningen v?re gode til ? utrede og planlegge, samtidig som de kan eksperimentere og tenke helt nytt? Hvordan vil forvaltningen og m?ten den jobber p? se ut i fremtiden?
This is the third and last lecture by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lecture.
Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.
This is the second in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.
Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.
This is the first in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.
Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.
We wish you welcome to a seminar by Ray Dingledine
In connection with Ray Dingledine’s inauguration as elected member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA), we organize a seminar at which Ray will give two presentations, as introductions to informal discussions.