Tidligere arrangementer - Side 7
On the occasion of J?rund G?semyr retiring earlier this year, we invite you to a half-day seminar celebrating his contributions to statistics over many years.
Join us for the virtual, national launch of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, celebrating the release of the 2022 report, as well as discussing key findings and priorities for Norway.
Vi som er ansatt i statsforvaltningen skal ivareta borgerne og demokratiet. Hva slags kompetanse trenger offentlig forvaltning i dag og i fremtiden? Hvordan l?rer vi, og hvordan vet vi at kompetansetiltakene virker?
Kulturarvsdagen er en dag for dialog og til inspirasjon for alle som studerer og arbeider med kulturarv og kulturminner.
20. og 21. oktober 2022 arrangeres for 13. gang LAR-konferansen – denne gangen sentralt i Oslo sentrum.
Welcome to HEI’s annual International Student Conference!
Velkommen til HEIs internasjonale studentkonferanse fra 19.–21. oktober 2022.
The conference is an occasion to bring together researchers in the beautiful Hammamet to discuss on the recent developments in stochastics with applications to mathematical physics and finance
We are delighted to finally again be able to invite you to the Kl?kken seminar, October 11 – October 12, 2022. Kl?kken seminar is open for young researchers in temporary positions within statistics/biostatistics/bioinformatics at OCBE (UiO and OUS), Institute of Mathematics (UiO), BiAs (NMBU) and RealTek (NMBU). It is meant as an arena to get to know each other across the institutes and to practice your presentations skills in front of a friendly and harmless audience.
Some people may be wondering what trust has to do with transitioning energy systems. Vice President Lawrence E. Jones will present on the importance of trust followed by a comment from Professor Karen O'Brien.
Vi har gleden av ? ?nske velkommen til den ?rlige 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sdagen som Senter for fagutvikling og forskning/Utviklingssenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester i Oslo kommune arrangerer i 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med Avdeling for sykepleievitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo.
A conference in honour of Nils Henrik Risebro on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Oslo Epigenetics Symposium 2022 presents cutting-edge epigenetic research from top national and international researchers
A four-days workshop to appreciate and discuss advances in risk and stochastics with a close look into applications and numerical methods
A conference organised for and by master/Ph.D.-students and postdocs in operator algebras (both von Neumann and C*-algebras) and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers.
Welcome to the EuHEA Conference 2022! ‘Health economics for sustainable welfare systems’
Nordfjordeid Summer school 2022
We invite you (once again) to a two-day seminar celebrating Professor ?rnulf Borgans many and substantial contributions to statistics in general and life event history analysis in particular.
Demokratiet i flere land er under press, og tilliten til myndighetene er tynnslitt flere steder. Hva truer demokratiet i Europa og i Norge, og hvilke virkemidler har vi for ? stanse en negativ utvikling? Hvilken rolle spiller forvaltningen for demokratiet i Norge?
Update (13/01/2023): We are organising a similar workshop from May 3 to May 5, 2023. You can find more information here: click here
You are cordially welcome to participate in this three-day conference on climate, weather and carbon risk in energy and finance. The conference will gather academics and practitioners, discussing the latest advances on the stochastics of risk measuring, modeling and managing, with a focus on energy systems, markets and finance (ESG).
Key topics involve modelling uncertainty in weather and climate, optimisation problems related to energy systems to control emissions, as well as measuring risk factors related to climate change.
There will be several invited talks by leading researchers as well as selected contributed talks by participants.
We warmly invite you to a FRONT conference on gender equality in academia to be held at the Climate House at the Natural History Museum University of Oslo on May 12th 2022. This event will summarize the main results of the FRONT project, with an emphasis on those results that may be especially important for non-permanent or freshly established researchers and those that come from outside Norway. We are grateful to have renowned researchers in the field as speakers, and the book "Gender equality in academia - from knowledge to change" by ?ystein Gullv?g Holter and Lotta Karin Snickare (editors) will be discussed.
The seminar explored sonic design from multiple angles and celebrated the achievements of Professor Rolf Inge God?y.
Svein Olav Kolset was educated as a Nutritionist at the School of Nutrition, the University of Oslo. He has since then been a staff scientist and later Professor at the Department of Nutrition. Svein Olav has for decades been a leading international expert on nutrition and glycobiology. In honor of Professor Kolset's 70th birthday, we invite you to a symposium with talks reflecting Svein Olav's present and former research activities.
Welcome to the annual meeting of Euclid Consortium. This year's meeting is hosted by the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo, Norway, April 26-29, 2022.