Election Meeting: Who Do You Want as the New Rector at UiO?

Attend the election meeting and get to know the candidates. The event will be streamed. Topic: Recruit and retain talents. Arrang?r UiO Doc og UiO

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, smil, briller, synsomsorg, ansiktsuttrykk.

Rektorkandidatene i v?rens valg er, fra venstre: dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo ved Det medisinske fakultet, direkt?r Giske Ursin ved Kreftregisteret og dekan Ragnhild Hennum ved Det juridiske fakultet.

Foto: Jarli & Jordan

Hosted by: UiODoc

During the spring of 2025, the students and staff at the University of Oslo will elect a new rector.

Through a series of election meetings, the candidates will present themselves and their plans for the upcoming rectoral term.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions to the candidates during the election meetings. If you wish to do so in advance, or have suggestions for topics, please send an email to: valgmote@admin.uio.no.

We hope you will join us, so save the date.

Read more about the election

The event will be live streamed on this web page.

Publisert 2. jan. 2025 10:44 - Sist endret 28. jan. 2025 09:27