SPARK Social Innovation Educational Forum: HISP and digital solutions for Covid-19 surveillance

SPARK Social Innovation invites you to an open discussion on HISP and digital solutions for Covid-19 surveillance. HISP is a global action research project and considered as one of University of Oslo's biggest international successes.

SPARK Social Innovation

DHIS2 is developed as a free and open-source global public good. The platform is now the primary tool for health data collection and analysis in nearly 70 countries. It covers 2.4 billion people and is recognized as a global public good by the World Health Organization. Major global health actors, such as PEPFAR, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the Red Cross, and Population Services International (PSI) use the platform in more than 100 countries.

HISP-UiO in collaboration with the global HISP network has released open source digital data packages for COVID-19 surveillance and vaccination to support the global fight against the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Leveraging existing health information systems and national capacity is the key to robust emergency response.

Since March 2020, DHIS2 has been deployed for COVID-19 surveillance and vaccination at a national scale by 45 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. This includes Norway, where DHIS2 was used for case registration and contact tracing in 130 municipalities around the country. The DHIS2 system has been recognized as a global public good and leading digital tool for COVID-19 response and UiO has developed WHO-approved immunization & VPD surveillance health data toolkits on DHIS2.

More information on HISP here and download the presentation here.


14:15:   Welcome (Dennis Gan, SPARK Social Innovation)

14:20:    HISP and digital solutions for Covid -19 surveillance - local innovation and global response (Kristin Braa, director at HISP, University of Oslo)

15:00:   Discussion 

15:30:   Food and mingling 

Registration deadline for food/drinks on 12th October

Sign up

Kristin Braa, Health Information System Programme (HISP)

Professor Kristin Braa is the Director of the HISP Centre at the University of Oslo. HISP has developed DHIS2 software - an IT system for collecting, validating, analyzing and presenting data for health information management activities.

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?About the SPARK Social Innovation Educational Forum

The SPARK forum is an open monthly meeting for project teams, partners, and everyone interested in how universities and academics engage with social innovation.


Publisert 21. sep. 2022 18:54 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2022 17:09