Gjennom universitetsalliansen Circle U. kan UiO-studenter delta p? gratis sommerskoler i Paris, Berlin og Beograd innen global helse, klima og demokrati. S?knadsfristen er 28. februar 2025 for alle sommerskolene.
Aktuelle saker
The Rectors and Presidents of Circle U. and the Circle U. Student Union have been following with great attention the developments at the University of Belgrade and in other universities and faculties across Serbia since December last year. Joining the University of Belgrade leadership, the Rectors and Presidents and CUSU want to express their concerns and show their strong support to the students and their demands.
This year, Circle U. is supporting 13 seed-funded projects. Over the next few months, each project leader will present their initiative. This month, we are taking a closer look at the project Confronting Poverty: Uniting Disciplines for Global Impact.
Are you interested in co-teaching? Would you like to give your students an opportunity to collaborate with peers from our Circle U. partner universities in class? Then Circle U. COIL might be for you.
Circle U. og andre universitetsallianser viser vei mot en ny form for europeisk 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 innen h?yere utdanning, hvor mangfold, fleksibilitet og studentinvolvering er sentrale elementer.
The Circle U. Seed Funding Scheme supports academics, students, and staff in collaborating on cross-institutional and interdisciplinary projects. Check the results of this year’s edition of the Circle U. Seed Funding Scheme.
The Circle U. Sandpits is a two-session workshop where the aim is to develop inter- and transdisciplinary projects. In 2025 the Sandpits will have democracy as an overarching theme.
We are excited to announce the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) Flagship Initiatives call for proposals. This funding opportunity invites students, administrative staff, and faculty members from Circle U. member institutions to develop innovative projects that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion within their academic environments.
Masterstudenter inviteres til ? bli med p? ? l?se utfordringer for vin- og landbrukssektoren i Toscana sammen med studenter fra hele Europa. Emnet foreg?r i Italia fra 3.–7. februar 2025 med en digital samling i forkant.
The University of Oslo are seeking a researcher within the field of artificial intelligence to join our existing team of academic chairs to further the Circle U. alliance.
Uklare retningslinjer og ny DNA-kunnskap har gjort at talet p? arter i bakteriegruppa Bacillus cereus har blitt meir enn firedobla p? f? ?r. Ryddejobben er ikkje gratis.
To av Circle U. sine priser for tverrfaglig forskning gikk til milj?er ved UiO. N? kan du se kortfilmer som presenterer forskningen til "CoFutures" og "Democrisis".
Passionate about sustainability? Eager to learn how your knowledge can be applied to solving global issues? Join the Entrepreneurial Change-making programme from Circle U.!
Model United Nations (MUN) er en kopi av FNs generalforsamling – og du kan v?re norsk studentrepresentant i Brussel 10.-14. desember. Meld din interesse innen 11. september.
56 studenter fra Circle U.s partneruniversiteter deltok p? sommerskolen "Democratic Governance and the Politics of Poverty", som UiO arrangerte i august. Dan Banik, professor ved Senter for utvikling og milj? (SUM) og faglig leder for Circle U.s demokrati-klynge, var ansvarlig for sommerskolen.
Utlysningen er et tiltak for ? fremme nye 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 p? tvers av institusjoner i universitetsalliansen Circle U. Utlysningen stenger 15. oktober 2024.
The winners of the Inter Circle U. Prize 2024 were announced during the ERIA conference on research and innovation in Paris on 29 May. The three research topics were mistrust in climate science, climate and democratic crisis, and building new narratives for our future through fiction.
We are seeking six motivated scientific staff/researchers at UiO to join our existing academic chairs to further develop the Circle U. alliance and to drive our vision towards a truly European University.
Student Fellows-ordningen gj?r at studenter kan ansettes i deltidsstillinger for ? jobbe sammen med UiO-ansatte med ? utvikle Circle U.-aktiviteter.
Thursday May, 25th LINK organised a meeting with Teaching and Learning Centers of Circle U. We expanded agenda along the way, identified several common activities and projected possible areas for further collaboration.
Norge er i stor grad stengt ned, men like f?r nedstengingen rakk fakultetet ? ta imot to bes?k fra Circle U-alliansen; Universitetet i ?rhus og UCLouvain- universitetet i Belgia.