Tidligere arrangementer - Side 2
Hvordan bearbeider hjernen kunsteriske inntrykk? Opplev forskningsformidling under Munchs malerier.
P? konsert f?ler vi samhold med fremmede, viser forskning. I et kort ?yeblikk samler musikken oss. Hvordan kan musikk ogs? samle oss i urolige tider?
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Sandra Solli
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Atilla Juliana Vrasdonk
After a highly successful workshop at RITMO, we follow up with a visit to UC Berkeley.
This seminar presents what has been achieved during the four years of the MIRAGE project, leading in particular to the digital version of the Norwegian Catalogue of Folk Music. We are also conceiving tools to automatically transcribe and analyse audio recordings of folk music, and are launching a transcription service for music professionals.
Free entrance, no registration required.
The event will also be streamed via www.nb.no. (HERE IS THE LINK)
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Raquel Aparicio Terrés
Bli med p? en spennende, aktiv og l?rerik workshop med musiker og RITMO-forsker Sara D'Amario.
Join an exciting, active, and educational workshop with musician and RITMO-researcher Sara D'Amario.
A networked music and dance performance at Popsenteret, organized by the AMBIENT project and MCT master students in collaboration with Popsenteret, Oslo.
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Emil Bernhardt
Kan du st? stille i 6 minutter mens du lytter til musikk? Pr?v selv under ?rets NM i stillstand. Vinneren f?r et gavekort p? 1000,- kroner!
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Balint Laczko and Joachim Mossige
A RITMO-funded workshop bringing together scholars from philosophy, music studies, psychology, and literature studies to discuss the novel concept of 'Mind Surfing'.
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Gnanathusharan (Thusha) Rajendran
Associate Professor in Philosophy, Joel Krueger, from University of Exeter, will speak at RITMO's Seminar Series
The self-playing guitars will make a guest appearance at this year's Larvik Guitar Festival.
LAB.prat #2 "Vi lytter med ?ynene" med professor Bruno Laeng
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Francesca Barbero
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Dr. David L?berg Code, Western Michigan University (USA)
Professor of Philosophy and BOF Research Professor, Bence Nanay, from University of Antwerp, will speak at RITMO's Seminar Series
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Pedro Pablo Lucas Bravo
Through a combined concert and science talk with her band Dana & The Monsters, Dana will present and demonstrate her research to explain how concerts are venues for social bonding.
This week's Food and Paper will be given by Bruno Laeng