Short bio: Olivier Lartillot is a researcher working in the fields of computational music and sound analysis and artificial intelligence. He obtained a funding from the Research Council of Norway under the FRIPRO-IKTPLUSS program, for a project called MIRAGE - A Comprehensive AI-Based System for Advanced Music Analysis (2020-2023).
He designed MIRtoolbox, a recognised tool for music feature extraction from audio. He also works on symbolic music analysis, notably on sequential pattern mining. In the context of his 5-year Academy of Finland research fellowship, he conceived the MiningSuite, an analytical framework that combines audio and symbolic research.
Olivier is a partner in the HIGH-M project (Human Interaction assessment and Generative segmentation in Health and Music). Olivier previously worked for the SoundTracer project, an innovation project in collaboration with the National Library of Norway. He also collaborates on the TIME project.
Olivier has given courses in Music Information Retrieval, conference tutorials and has taught in various summer schools. He has collaborated on various projects around the topics of artificial intelligence, signal processing, cognitive science, neuroscience, music analysis, cross-cultural studies and music therapy. He has written 80 articles, with more than 3000 citations. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, is an expert evaluator for the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program and has participated to the Program Committees of various conferences.
As part of the SoundTracer project, he worked in particular on the automated transcription of Norwegian fiddle music. He discussed this topic in the international conference on music perception and cognition (ICMPC 2018):
- Researcher at the Department for Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark (2014-2016)
- Academy of Finland research fellow (2009-2014) and previously post-doc (2004-2009) at the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research, University of Jyv?skyl?, Finland
- Scientific collaborator at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland (2012-2013)
- PhD at Ircam - Centre George Pompidou, UPMC Paris University (2000-2004)
- ATIAM Master at Ircam - Centre George Pompidou, UPMC Paris University (1999-2000)
- Supélec engineering school, France (1996-1999)
- Art degree in Musicology, Sorbonne University, Paris, France (1996-1999)