AMBIENT Bodily Entrainment to Audiovisual Rhythms


How do environmental rhythms influence people's bodily behaviour?

A person sitting by a computer screen in an office. Photo.

AMBIENT will study how the sonic and visual "background" of indoor environments, like the sound of a ventilation system or the clock ticking in an office, influence people's bodily behaviour.

Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash


About the project

Much focus has been devoted to understanding the "foreground" of human activities: things we say, actions we do, and sounds we hear. AMBIENT will study the sonic and visual "background" of indoor environments, such as the sound of a ventilation system in an office, the footsteps of people in a corridor, or people fidgeting in a classroom.

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Examples of periodic auditory and visual stimuli in the environments to be studied in AMBIENT: individuals in offices (WP2), physical-virtual coworking (WP3), and telematic classrooms (WP4).

The project aims to study how such elements influence people's bodily behaviours and how they feel about the rhythms in an environment. This will be done by studying how different auditory and visual stimuli combine to create rhythms in various settings.

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Rhythms can be constructed from different elements: (a) visual, (b) auditory, (c) audiovisual, (d) spatiotemporal, or (e) a combination of audiovisual and spatiotemporal. The numbers in (e) indicate the cyclic, temporal order of the events.

The hypothesis is that various types of rhythms influence people's bodily behavior through entrainment principles, that is, the process by which independent rhythmical systems interact.


The primary objective of AMBIENT is to understand more about bodily entrainment to audiovisual rhythms in both local and telematic environments. This will be studied within everyday workspaces like offices and classrooms.

The primary objective can be broken down into three secondary goals:

  1. Understand more about the rhythms of indoor environments, and make a theoretical model of such rhythms that can be implemented in software.
  2. Understand more about how people interact with the rhythms of indoor environments, both when working alone – and together.
  3. Explore how such rhythms can be captured and (re)created in a different environment using state-of-the-art audiovisual technologies.

Work packages

The work in AMBIENT is divided into five work packages:

  • WP1: Theoretical Development
  • WP2: Observation study of individuals in their offices
  • WP3: Observation study of physical-virtual workspaces
  • WP4: Exploration of (re)creation of ambience in telematic classrooms
  • WP5: Software development

The work packages overlap and feed into each other in various ways.

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The relationships between work packages. The small boxes within WP2–4 indicate the different studies (a/b/c) and their phases (1/2/3). See WP sections for explanations.


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Funded by The Research Council of Norway

Project number: 324003

Scientific advisory board

Local expert group


Open Research

The AMBIENT project is an open research flagship project. The aim is to keep the entire research as open as possible, including sharing methods, data, publications, and so on.


Throughout 2023, AMBIENT's principal investigator Alexander Refsum Jensenius stands still for ten minutes daily in a new indoor environment. The aim is to collect human micromotion data for a book summarizing the MICRO project while collecting data from 365 different in-door environments for the AMBIENT project. 

Norwegian version of this page
Published Jan. 30, 2025 11:18 AM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2025 11:18 AM