Accessing the Felles Drive

The Felles drive is located in the "lagringshotell" which is UiO's network-attached storage (NAS) where we store research data. It is secure for green, yellow, and red data (color classification guide and storage guide). Access differs depending on how you are connected to the network. This is a secure drive so permissions must be given for new users. Contact Kayla for help with access. 


UiO network

Windows machines on the UiO cabled network, and also Windows-10 machines with  DA network enabled , can access the storage directly. You will be working from the research folder:


To access you can type the address in File Explorer or use the windows search field. You can also either pin the network share to Quick access in the File Explorer or mount the network share to a drive letter for easy access.

Pinning the drive

At the top left of the navigation pane in File Explorer is a star icon and the Quick access section. To add the drive as a pin, first navigate to the folder (enter the folder address into the address bar). Then right-click on Quick access in the navigation pane and select "Pin to Quick access". This should give you an entry in the Quick access section named "research" that is a shortcut to the research folder within the lh-div-ritmo drive on

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Parallel, Screenshot, Number.

Mounting the Drive

Ensure "this PC" is active by using the left of the navigation pane in File Explorer. On the top menu bar choose Computer then Map Network drive.

Screenshot of location in file explorer

Choose a drive letter (I use R) and type the address for mapping. Note: you should be able to also map to the research folder and not just the top level if you want. Choose "reconnect at sign in" and press Finish when done. 

If you prefer, you can use the Command prompt instead of File Explorer. Enter the command `net use R: \\\lh-div-ritmo` and the network share should be mounted under the drive letter R.

Off site

UiO machines outside of the network should be able to connect as above. When wanting additional security or using a non-UiO machine there are a few suggested methods. 


Using the  VDI  gives you access to a high speed secure UiO computer with the software and processing power you need. The  Program Kiosk  gives you access to your home area and a large amount of programs without having to install the programs on the machine you are using. While the connection is most stable when using VMWare horizon client, there is also a  web version of programkiosk.  With both of these solutions you are given access to the drive but are not able to download to your local computer for security purposes.


WinSCP  allows for a secure SFTP (or other type) connection to the drive. It is not part of the standard image so you will need to download before use. After installing, to connect start WinSCP and click "New Site". Edit the settings as follows:

  • File Protocol: SFTP
  • Host name:
  • Port number: 22 
  • Enter your UiO username and password

winSCP new site setup

Under Advanced

  • Directories
    • Set the Remote Directory to: /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/lh-div-ritmo
    • Click OK


Under Save

  • Enter Site Name to name the shortcut

winscp save session screenshot

With your newly saved session selected, click "Login". Accept the host key (you'll be asked for this only once), and type in your password when prompted. 

WinSCP will create a window with your local system on one side, and the remote system (lh-div-ritmo) on the other. You can drag and drop files from one side to the other, or open them directly – although WinSCP must likely be told what program to use to open certain document types. You will be able to download files to your local drive with WinSCP so remember to ensure data security and privacy. 


Cabled UiO Network

On the cabled UiO network, click on the desktop background to enter Finder, and use  ?-k  to open the Network Drives dialog box. Type in


to connect to the storage hotel as a network drive. Type your UiO username and password if prompted. (Note from Kayla: I do not have access to a Mac on the cabled UiO network so this will just theoretically work). 

Wifi / Offsite

If your Mac is not on the UiO cabled network (or if the above simply doesn't work), we suggest using the e-infrastructure as described above or connecting through Cyberduck.


Like WinSCP, Cyberduck allows for a secure connection to the drive. Connecting to the Felles drive is similar to instructions from UiO on how to connect to your home(M) drive. After installing and opening Cyberduck, go to Bookmarks in the main menu and select "New bookmark". 

Setup as follows:

  • In the top dropdown menu choose SFTP 
  • Enter the field "Nickname" with whatever you want the shortcut to be called
  • In the server field, type ""
  • Set the port field "22" 
  • Enter your UiO username and password
  • Set the Path field to: /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/lh-div-ritmo

Cyberduck Felles drive screenshot

To connect to drive, your Nicknamed shortcut appears in the bookmarks folder.

Published Mar. 1, 2021 3:36 PM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2023 9:19 AM